
Now You Can Play Your Very Own Woman Card

U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump holds up a newspaper with a headline reading “Clinton, Trump Lead” at a campaign rally in Warwick, Rhode Island, April 25, 2016.


“Well, if fighting for women’s health care and paid family leave and equal pay is playing the woman card, then deal me in”, Clinton said of Trump’s comment.

“We want to let it go through without politicizing it”, Sanders said in an interview on Fox Business Network’s “Cavuto: Coast to Coast”, according to The Hill.

But that goal receded a bit further after Trump’s wins last week in Pennsylvania and four other Northeastern states set up what looks more and more like a battle with Democrat Hillary Clinton for the White House.

Stephen Colbert and Trevor Noah were full of Donald Trump jokes on Wednesday as they talked about Trump’s comments in his primary victory speech on Tuesday, when he accused Hillary Clinton of playing the “woman card”. “I think the only thing she’s got going is the fact that she’s a woman”. Right now, Clinton leads Trump in most polls, just as she led Obama in the 2008 primary season, and as Jeb Bush led Trump this time around, before he became one of the sixteen rivals Trump disposed of in the primaries.

Nor is Clinton backing off, tweeting Friday: “If you see bigotry, oppose it. If you see violence, condemn it. If you see a bully, stand up to him”. But political experts say the layoffs signal that Sanders is beginning to accept that he will not be the Democratic nominee and is now focused on pulling the party toward a more progressive agenda.

Though Bernie Sanders has criticized Clinton for her ties to Wall Street and fossil fuels, he has abstained from going after her on the email scandal. But if it comes down to Mr Trump or Mr Clinton, Hayes said it was an easy, if unpleasant, choice. Boehner said he and Donald Trump are “texting buddies” and he would vote for Trump, but not Cruz.

“With the investigation behind us, the campaign has withdrawn its lawsuit against the DNC today but continues to implore the DNC to address the systemic instability that remains in its voter file system”, Sanders’ campaign said in a statement.

Jane Sanders said her husband would be drawing more support from black voters if he was facing some other Democratic opponent.

In winning the state overwhelmingly, rolling up almost 57 percent of the vote (Cruz got under 22 percent, Kasich a bit over 19), Trump showed he could broaden his base of support. They argue that if he fails to win on the first ballot, many delegates would give up on Trump and back the also-rans.


“Trump’s hurdle is, you can’t believe anything he says”, said David Mason, a 42-year-old Lafayette photographer.

Republican front-runner Donald Trump dismisses reports of a riot outside his rally in California pressing ahead with his claim that Democrat Hillary Clinton is only in the presidential race because she's a woman