
NRA shells out $2 million for Trump ad blaming Clinton for Benghazi

Every so often, Hillary Clinton will strain her voice during a campaign rally to be heard over a protester shouting about Benghazi.


This in turn will further raise the temperature in an already bitter campaign to succeed US President Barack Obama in the White House-a campaign in which Clinton herself is now the Democratic frontrunner and leading the Republican billionaire Trump in opinion polls.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton put politics above truth and the safety of besieged US personnel in Benghazi, Libya, according to a Republican Congressman.

She charged the committee’s goal was to damage her candidacy.

“Americans – including all our men and women serving overseas – deserve better”, Royce said.

Clinton, now the presumptive Democratic nominee for president, said the report by Republicans on the House Benghazi Committee took more than two years and $7 million but “found nothing to contradict” the findings of earlier investigations. He chose to take the risk to go there.

The family of the late U.S. Ambassador to Libya, J. Christopher Stevens, is speaking out against Republicans’ politicization of his death in Benghazi.

As the attack unfolded, the State Department dithered about whether the anti-terrorism security team should respond in uniform or civilian clothes. Still, by issuing the report, Gowdy’s panel thrust the issue of Benghazi back into the spotlight, and its findings won’t stop Republicans from attacking Clinton over her actions.

Gowdy, however, deflected questions about her, saying the report “is not about one person”.

Democrats called the interview ridiculous.

There was also internal discord, which led to a former investigator for the committee, Bradley F. Podliska, a major in the Air Force Reserve, filing a lawsuit alleging that he was sacked for trying to conduct a thorough investigation into the attacks while superiors wanted to focus on the private email server.

Again: The fact that the conspiracy theories about Benghazi were bonkers doesn’t change the fact that the attacks were a policy failure, and that the best thing anyone can say about the Obama (and Clinton) policy in Libya is that the other options might have been worse.

A two-year investigation is likely the last one into the attacks following seven other panels investigating the attacks.

Those comments helped derail McCarthy’s bid to succeed Speaker John A. Boehner. In October, she was hauled before a congressional panel. “Republicans promised a process and report that was fair and bipartisan, but this is exactly the opposite”.

Don’t be too surprised if the right starts to turn on Benghazi Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.), whom conservatives invested so much hope in.

Today’s Benghazi report reveals nothing new about Hillary Clinton’s role and the revelations do not look like they can affect the November election.

CIA’s own intelligence assessment cited a protest in Benghazi, which happened a week before the terrorist attacks, which would eventually be used to pin the blame-the-YouTube-video narrative on an amateur filmmaker.


“Our committee’s insistence on additional information about the military’s response to the Benghazi attacks was met with strong opposition from the Defense Department, and now we know why”, she said in a statement.

Mark Geist supporting Donald Trump in NRA