
NTU is the world’s top young university

According to QS, the ranking are determined through an global academic peer review system that measures the effectiveness of a university in the field or research and education.


My answer is simple – it’s people, people and people. These indicators include academic reputation from the global survey findings (40 per cent), faculty-student ratio (20 per cent), citations per faculty from Scopus (20 per cent), employee reputation from the global survey findings (10 per cent), worldwide faculty ratio (5 per cent) and worldwide student ratio (5 per cent). It also scored well for its internationally diverse faculty and student communities.

“Australia is the most-featured country in the rankings this year, with eight placed “top 50 under 50″ universities”, QS added.

“On the contrary, it has enjoyed a huge leap in its World University Rankings position, and retains its position here despite the challenge from HKUST”.

“Both results provide evidence for Nanyang’s increasing status as one of the world’s elite educational establishments”, QS said.

“As stated in the Malaysia Higher Education Blueprint 2015-2025, rankings are not the “be all and end all” as they must be balanced with the core aim of universities to educate, generate knowledge and equip students with good values”.

“It is heartening that our universities have achieved this, building on the achievements in subject-based and overall rankings in 2015”. For example, the UK’s University of Bath climbed five places, having emerged at 7th place, while Hong Kong Polytechnic University climbed two places to the 6th position.

Ben Sowter, head of division at the QS Intelligence Unit, attributed the strength of technological institutions to the success of Asian universities in these rankings.

Singapore Management University is not included as it is considered a specialised university.


Professor Andersson, a renowned plant biochemist who became NTU president in 2011, said he is often asked the reasons for NTU’s rapid rise when he is overseas.

NTU's newest building The Hive where the flipped classroom pedagogy is being implemented