
Number of Clinton Classified Emails at 60 and Climbing

So far, analysts have reviewed about 20 percent of the 30,000 emails the presidential hopeful turned over to the department, resulting in more than 1,500 classified emails if the current rate of potentially secret information remains steady, the paper stated.


The Justice Department has said the FBI investigation began after a government watchdog said at least four emails out of a sample of 40 he inspected contained classified information, including two that contained information deemed “top secret”, the highest classification level.

Law-enforcement officials have said that Clinton, who is the front-runner for the 2016 Democratic nomination for president, is not a target of the investigation, and she has said there is no evidence that her account was hacked.

Scott Walker addressed a crowd from the Des Moines Register Political Soapbox at the Iowa State Fair on August. 17, 2015.

When Clinton announced her campaign last spring, Obama praised her as “talented, tenacious” and “a friend of mine” who “would be an excellent president”.

Legal jeopardy in Clinton email server case?

Questions keep swirling about the electronic correspondence of Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton, whose use of a private email account while secretary of state has dogged her on the campaign trail.

Those 60 emails do not include two emails identified in recent days by Intelligence Community Inspector General I. Charles McCullough III as containing “top-secret” information possibly derived from Pentagon satellites, drones or intercepts, which is some of the nation’s most sensitive secrets.

The technology firm transferred the server Clinton had used to host government communications from the basement of her Chappaqua, N.Y., home to a data center in New Jersey, where the FBI ultimately acquired the now-blank server late Wednesday afternoon.

The State Department acknowledgement that 305 Clinton emails were being reviewed for possible national security concerns came as part of legal sparring in a lawsuit against the agency by journalist Jason Leopold, a reporter with Vice News.

“I was permitted to and used a personal email and, obviously in retrospect, given all the concerns that have been raised, it would have been probably smarter not to”, she told Iowa Public Radio last week. “And so what Secretary Clinton has appeared to have done is used this private server, probably unsecured server to do the same”.

In June, the State Department said it was given 15 emails exchanged between herself and friend/unofficial advisor Sidney Blumenthal it did not previously have, casting doubt on the completeness of Clinton’s disclosure.

“They were not marked as classified, the State Department has said, and it is unclear whether its employees knew the origin of the information”.

In addition to the email server, Clinton is also handing over a set of mini-hard drives containing copies of thousands of her emails.

Former intelligence officials say it’s a certainty that her server was compromised by foreign intelligence services.


If you’re a person who says, “I’d vote for Bernie Sanders, but he can’t win”, then compare our world today to another time period in American politics. “I love it – those messages disappear all by themselves”.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks at the at the Iowa Democratic Wing Ding at the Surf Ballroom on Friday. Appearing at the Iowa State Fair on Saturday she said the controversy over her emails was the'usual politics