
NY GOP gives Trump’s speech high marks

“I didn’t start anything with the wife”, Trump said of the attack ads during the primary, which he retweeted, that featured an unflattering photo of Heidi Cruz.


The chant, which has been a popular anti-Clinton slogan during the RNC, has not impressed other Republicans who have refused to back Mr Trump.

Pressed about his pledge to support the eventual nominee, Cruz responded he had every intention of keeping that promise until the race became personal.

Just hours after Donald Trump formally accepted the Republican Party’s presidential nomination, the Hillary Clinton campaign slammed what it called “dark picture” of the country that Trump had painted during his speech.

Ivanka Trump, 34, who says she doe not consider herself “categorically Republican or Democrat”, was the fourth of Trump’s children to speak at the RNC.

Manafort told NBC’s “Today” on Thursday that Cruz “understood what the responsibilities are, someone in his position”.

Cruz underscored the point later in response to another Texan’s question.

“Come to the convention”.

There was also a 2,800% increase in the term “air kiss” after Donald Trump gave his new running-mate one. Characteristically for a man who has built his reputation on bucking Republican colleagues in the Senate, he said that he was within his rights to telegraph his doubts about his party’s presumptive nominee. Cruz told the Texas delegation that he read an article online last night about his speech and noticed that the “word cloud” for the article displayed “freedom” as the largest word, while in prior nights’ word clouds the dominant word was Trump. But the buzz all day has been what happened Wednesday when Ted Cruz was booed loudly off the stage.

“I’m with you, and I will fight for you, and I will win for you”, he declared. “If you think back to recent political convention, I’ve been going to conventions since 1996 and I’ve never seen anything like this with Ted Cruz standing up, refusing to offer his endorsement”, Hayes said it’s Trump’s turn and he has to make two things happen. When GOP leaders blocked that effort, the anti-Trump delegates staged a noisy protest on the floor.

“And to those listening, please, don’t stay home in November”, Cruz said.

The speech, focused on law, order, his vision for the future and contrasts with rival Hillary Clinton and President Barack Obama – and was gaffe-free, in contrast with the days leading up to it. Ahead of Trump’s address, Republicans seemed excited to get get through the night and bring an at-times rocky four days to a close.

“He’s a chicken”, said Eugene Delgaudio, a delegate from Sterling, Virginia, who clucked like a chicken when asked about Cruz’s decision.


“If we’re not going to do that, why do we have elections?” Because Ted Cruz has decided that he knows better?

It's Trump's moment to talk to the nation - and GOP doubters