
NY Gov. Cuomo signs new protections for nail salon workers

His new rating is 49.44 percent, down from the 53.44 he had in May.


ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) -The next election for New York governor is three years away but Andrew Cuomo already has more than $12.6 million in his campaign account.

Talking to the press after an unrelated event in the Bronx, Mr. Cuomo, a fellow Democrat, said only his aides had been in contact with City Hall since Blasio sat down with NY1 in June to describe how he had been “disappointed at every turn” in his efforts to work with the governor on legislative priorities like making mayoral control of schools permanent and working to preserve and build more affordable housing.

“If there is a state that is going to take a stand against worker exploitation, it is New York”, Cuomo said in a statement. The poll has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.9 percent. When asked about the recent public criticism flying between the governor and the New York City mayor, 39 percent sided with Cuomo and 28 percent with de Blasio.

Greenberg says “had great strength in his negotiating ability” when he was riding high in the polls.

A majority of voters, though, approve of the way the governor handled the capture of the two inmates who escaped from the North Country prison.

“Now, he doesn’t look nearly as strong to those other polls”, Greenberg said. Forty-four percent of those polled said they had an unfavorable view of Cuomo.

Cuomo says the state will not tolerate worker exploitation in any industry. He said governors often do better in the polls when the legislature is not in session, and lawmakers are not due back at the Capitol for any length of time until the 2016 session. He spoke at the national meeting of the NAACP in Philadelphia, where he was praised for his recent action to bypass the legislature and appoint the state’s Attorney General to review cases in which an unarmed civilian is killed by police.


“I represent the people of the State of New York, I represent the people of the City of New York, so does he, and we’ll do our jobs, and that’s that”, he said.

Gov. Cuomo approval rating below 50 percent - NEWS10 ABC