
NY Mayor Cuomo announces monument to honor victims of Pulse Nightclub Shooting

Cuomo spoke at the LGBT Community Center before the kickoff to the Pride parade. “We will not allow evil to prevail”.


The owner of Pulse night club, Barbara Poma addressed members of the community while video screens displayed the names and pictures of those who died in the shooting.

Authorities of the USA northeastern state of New York will create a monument to honor the memory of the deadly shooting in the U.S. city of Orlando, New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo said.

The Inn is considered the birthplace of Americas gay rights movement as the site of protests in 1969 following a police crackdown of laws banning the sale of alcohol to gays. President Obama designated the tavern, and 7.7 acres around it the the first national monument to gay rights on Friday.


Among the groups taking part in Sundays march was Gays Against Guns, a new organization set up in NY to campaign for gun control legislation in the wake of the Orlando massacre. “NY continues to be a beacon for justice and we will never waiver in our commitment to the LGBT community and creating a more just and inclusive society”.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced the creation of