
NY poll: Trump, Clinton keep broad support

Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders acknowledges his supporters upon arrival at a campaign rally Tuesday, March 8, 2016, in Miami. It’s “Bernie or Bust” as they put it, pledging to support anyone but Clinton, even if that’s Trump. The new NBC-Wall Street Journal-Marist poll has Trump with 54 points, Kasich with 21 points and Cruz with 18, suggesting that Cruz’s “New York values” comments may have irked some voters.


Speaking at an event in Port Washington, LI, with gun violence victims, Clinton said the difference between her and Sanders is a matter of saving lives.

New York State’s democratic presidential primary happens on April 19th.

Clinton has avoided directly calling for Sanders to exit the race, saying she campaigned until the last primary in 2008 and that she’s all for a “good hard contest”.

Ilya Sheyman, the executive director of Political Action, praised Leahy and urged all superdelegates to follow his lead in supporting the victor of the most pledged delegates.

“One of the touchstones of our family – I learned it from my grandparents, I learned it from my parents, and I’ve tried to teach my children – is you keep your word, ” Leahy said February 15 in Burlington.

“Secretary Clinton and her State Department worked to export fracking throughout the world”.

Sanders’ popularity stands in contrast to the rest of the remaining candidates.

By comparison, Clinton scored favorably among 40 percent of responders and unfavorably among 55 percent, and Donald Trump scored 26 to 69 in the favorable vs. unfavorable categories. A fifth Vermont superdelegate, Democratic Rep. Peter Welch, already has endorsed Sanders. That’s similar to Democrats’ rating of Clinton. John Kasich leads about the Republicans at 34 percent. “I have more than met that standard”. Bernie Sanders of Vermont represents the issues they care about very or somewhat well. Another 34 percent still don’t know enough about him to say.

The editorial board said Clinton was “unsparingly clear-eyed about what’s wrong with America while holding firm to what’s right with America”, that she “fully understands the toll that adverse economic forces have taken on the country”. Likewise, 58 percent call him at least somewhat compassionate, compared with 42 percent for Clinton and 17 percent for Trump. “Absolutely we can” win the nomination without winning NY, he said. I don’t think you are qualified if you have voted for the disastrous war in Iraq.

“If Donald Trump is the nominee, I will be voting for whoever is the Democratic nominee-Hillary Clinton, most likely”, first-time voter Rebecca Liebler told The Young Turks last month. Just 6 in 10 say that of Sanders or Trump.

But that lowlight didn’t stop the newspaper from endorsing Clinton, who served for eight years as a USA senator from NY. The margin of sampling error for all respondents is plus or minus 3.3 percentage points.


The original sample was drawn from respondents recruited by phone or mail survey methods.

MSNBC Reporter Says Most NY Sanders Supporters Aren’t Democrats Waiting Fans Prove Otherwise