
NYC mayor: I’m not micromanaging image by screening records

“Look at juxtaposition with Trump, who is literally trying to undermine fundamental constitutional rights on things like birthright citizenship”, de Blasio said.


He said on Tuesday that he is “on duty all of the time” and is constantly in touch with aides no matter where he is. That requires seven days a week.

That’s a 12-mile drive that can take well more than 30 minutes in traffic. The confrontation ended when the gunman was shot dead by police.

Experts say previous administrations, including that of former Mayor Michael Bloomberg, likely funneled potentially embarrassing requests through the mayor’s office for review as an informal policy.

Tyree also shot Lt. James Hayes, 53, a 13-year FDNY veteran of Staten Island’s Engine 158, twice when Hayes entered Tyree’s home to investigate a smoke grenade that Tyree had set off.

De Blasio and his wife, First Lady Chirlane McCray, own homes in Park Slope where he lived before being elected mayor.

Asked Friday why he was at the gym, de Blasio dismissed the question. But we’ve all been fooled before.

Although the ramifications of the policy are not yet clear, transparency advocates fear such control could lead to prolonged delays in responding to records requests, a criticism both President Barack Obama and New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo faced when they instituted similar policies.

“I think a lot of CEOs would say to you, if you don’t get exercise, you’re not going to be as effective as you could be”, de Blasio said.

Other allies of the mayor in the City Council and activist communities, meanwhile, are slated to criticize the media this afternoon-at a press conference to rebut recent media portrayals, particularly in the New York Post, that they argue is vilifying the homeless.


“Crime is down, number of jobs is up, test scores for our schools are up, the amount of afforable housing being created [is up]”, he said.

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio delivers the keynote address for the University of Nebraska in Omaha Neb. A memo obtained by The Associated Press shows the mayor has taken steps to have his lawyers review pub