
NYC Parks Dept. issues cheeky response to naked Trump statue

His male genitalia is missing their testicles.


According to a spokesman for the group, first reported by The Washington Post, the naked Trumps were inspired by the fairy tale “The Emperor’s New Clothes”.

Warning: The images below unfortunately can not be unseen.

It’s Donald Trump like he’s never been seen before.

Mae Ferguson, a Parks Department spokeswoman, said the statue was removed because the installation of any unapproved structure is illegal in any city park.

While the statue is still up in cities like San Francisco, Patch reports that the statue was removed from New York City’s Union Square just after 1pm ET on Thursday.

Four other naked Trump statues appeared Thursday in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle and OH, according to social media posts.

An activist collective called INDECLINE is responsible for the statues.

One bystander reportedly tried to grab a part of the left foot before the government department took the whole body down.

Mayor Bill de Blasio was asked about his thoughts on the statue. Now statues made in his likeness are also popping up in cities across the United States. “Ginger” started this project with no particular political alliance between Trump or Clinton, but by the time he was done researching the candidate and meticulously working on every square inch of his clay figure, he had become one of Trump’s most outspoken critics.

The group’s other projects have included putting the names of African-Americans killed by police over the inlaid stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame and painting the words “This Land Was Our Land” across an unused airstrip in the Mojave Desert. If you would like to discuss another topic, look for a relevant article.


“I have family members that are physically and mentally handicapped and who need different types of care”, he added.

People pose for selfies with a naked statue of U.S. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump that was left in Union Square Park in New York City on Aug. 18 2016