
O’Malley swipes at Sanders in Iowa

“Benghazi was a tragedy where four Americans died… but let’s be clear: Seven exhaustive investigations… have already debunked all of the conspiracy theories”, she said. “Those messages disappear all by themselves”. Clinton is dismissing the controversies as “partisan games”.


Democratic presidential candidate Martin O’Malley took several implied swipes at Hillary Clinton on Thursday, challenging the front-runner to make her case for the nomination from the soapbox at the Iowa State Fair. “It’s not about emails or servers either”.

Yet the night wasn’t just about Clinton’s email scandals. “I’ve been in 25 counties of the 99 so far in Iowa and I intend to get to the others and then go back around for a second round …”

Donald Trump was not alone in visiting Michigan this week. Bernie Sanders, who has gained steam as a more liberal alternative to Clinton, received loud cheers when he pointed to his opposition to the Keystone XL pipeline, which has been reviled by environmentalists, and his vote against the Iraq War in the Senate. The country, she said, shouldn’t be distracted. Clinton’s campaign said that would create 250,000 childcare spaces for student parents.

The evening didn’t seem to do much to change attendees’ impressions of the candidates. She followed it with two days of campaigning on the issue in New Hampshire prior to ending the week in Iowa.

“When he didn’t have an answer, he acknowledged that, and wanted to know what we thought, what the experts thought”, said Okpara Rice, the chief executive of Tanager Place of Cedar Rapids, who asked about discipline disparity.

Speaking to reporters before the fundraiser, O’Malley said though the economy was doing better, new policies are still needed to increase economic prosperity for the average American, citing initiatives in his platform like debt-free college and paid family leave.

Clinton and Sanders spoke first, prompting some activists to file out of the ballroom before former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley and ex-Rhode Island Gov. Lincoln Chafee took the stage.

Webb, a former U.S. senator from Virginia, decried the role of big money in politics, urging listeners to change the system by electing him.

“I believe that the Democratic party has a tradition of offering pragmatic solutions to the challenges we face as a country”.

Clinton kicked off a weekend of campaigning in Dubuque on Friday by outlining proposals for more quality child care on college campuses and additional scholarships to help students who are parents.


While there’s no Iowa straw poll this year, the fair is a “contest” of sorts where candidates might have a breakthrough, or breakdown, moment while indulging in pork chop on a stick and fried butter.

Democratic presidential candidate Martin O'Malley enters the Arbor Brewing Company in Ann Arbor for a fundraiser