
Obama and Putin agree to continue seeking a deal on Syria

There is no reason that China and the U.S. can not be friendly competitors on the commercial side and important partners when it comes to dealing with the many worldwide problems that threaten the two countries, he said in response to a question.


The official said the US was eager to find an agreement quickly, mindful of the deteriorating conditions around the besieged city of Aleppo.

The hard diplomacy on Syria set the tone for an uneven few days for Obama on his last tour through Asia as president.

“China provides a rolling staircase for every arriving state leader, but the USA side complained that the driver doesn’t speak English and can’t understand security instructions from the United States”, the official told the Post. For 15 minutes the U.S. officials and the Chinese got into heated arguments about access and one security guard looked like he was going to throw a punch. Chinese officials have not said why the applications were rejected. “We are really insisting on the need to take this seriously”.

The U.S. president shook hands with his Russian counterpart in front of cameras in Hangzhou, where world leaders were meeting to discuss topics including trade and global security.

“We think it’s important that the press have access to the work that we’re doing”.

Meanwhile, on the ground, Chinese officials got into a confrontation with American journalists and photographers who were trying to take up positions to capture Obama’s arrival. “It can cause some friction”.

Obama stressed that theme at a separate news conference with May.

President Barack Obama, Chinese President Xi Jinping and other leaders at the two-day meeting called for efforts to defend free trade in the face of economic anxiety that has fueled demands in the United States and Europe to protect local industry. It’s not the first time it’s happened. “You know, if you’re a host country, sometimes it may feel a little bit much”.

The comments come as Turkey continues Operation Euphrates Shield in northern Syria, with the self-declared aim of clearing terrorist elements from along its southern border, and as the USA continues to lead a coalition of countries, including Turkey, who are jointly fighting ISIL in Iraq and Syria.

USA officials have said that as part of a deal, Russian Federation would have to halt offensives by Assad’s government, something it has failed to do over months of diplomatic efforts.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday told Chinese President Xi Jinping about India’s concerns over terrorism emanating from Pakistan’s restive regions through which the $46 billion China-Pakistan Economic Corridor is being built.


Today’s article said the United States and China signing the deal is an “incredibly significant act towards the treaty coming into force, as it requires at least 55 countries that together account for at least 55 per cent of global emissions”. And that’s been the case from my very first state visit here.

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