
Obama Asks the Supreme Court to Take Up the Fight Over Immigration

According to a new study by the Pew Institute- there are more undocumented immigrants from Mexico leaving the USA than coming in.


And, since Johson is now focused on deporting only those who are a real threat to domestic security, 9.6 million immigrants of a total of 11.5 million are no longer at risk of being sent back home.

Verrilli argued that the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals had committed legal errors in their ruling that justified the Supreme Court hearing the case. “This is going to be a big issue in 2016”, Rep. Xavier Becerra (D-Calif.) told The Huffington Post.

They say they are mobilizing their constituents to fight for relaxed immigration enforcement because two courts have delayed the president’s orders. “It’s a day of reckoning for them”.

At the same time that deportation is down – there are more undocumented immigrants returning to their home countries. Despite the President’s authority to do so, Republicans who oppose immigration reform have taken every opportunity to block his efforts, including filing a politically motivated lawsuit. Texas and 25 other mostly Republican-led states have argued the administration disregarded regulatory procedures in developing the program, called the Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents.

“We were really, really happy for our family and friends – they had been living in fear and pain so unnecessarily”, Javier Ramirez-Baron, an activist with the group Cabrini Immigration Services, said at a rally in NY on Friday.

The tension over Obama’s proposed executive action to shield millions of immigrants from deportation mirrors the debate between presidential candidates. Those convicted under Operation Streamline serve jail sentences before US authorities deport them. The USA 5th Circuit Court of Appeals has subsequently ruled to keep to program from being implemented. “Not while the administration has such clear options and [Immigration and Customs Enforcement] is clearly continuing to violate people’s rights”.

President Obama’s plan to protect tens of millions from deportation by means of executive action continues to be blocked within the courts one yr after he 1st formally announced it, still immigration advocates aren’t letting in that get of their approach.

The Obama administration asked the Supreme Court on Friday to rescue the president’s overhaul of the nation’s immigration system.

“Congress must take action to pass comprehensive immigration reform, and voters must make their voices heard at the ballot box”, Sanchez said.


In addition, the appeals court opinion “will place a cloud over the lives of hundreds of thousands of people who came to the United States as children” and won temporary relief from deportation under a 2012 order, he said. The immigrant from Mexico, who’s been in the US for more than a decade, would qualify for the DAPA program because one of her three children is a USA citizen.

Obama administration appeals immigration case to Supreme Court