
Obama back on the golf course

Jordan, that is moving 80, and previous United states.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk complimented the golf quartet.


President Barack Obama and his family are enjoying a 16 day vacation on Martha ‘s Vineyard.

Clinton will join Obama, who is vacationing on the island with his family, along with a number of big-name corporate, civil rights and other political leaders.

The Obamas and Clintons crossed paths last year on Martha’s Vineyard at a similar celebration for Mr. Jordan’s wife, Ann. There will be a private fundraiser Sunday for Mrs. Clinton, a Democratic candidate for president.

President Obama kicked off his annual summer vacation with a promise to dedicate 52 hours towards reading.

Obama hasn’t tipped his hand on his preference for the party’s presidential nomination, praising both Clinton and Biden effusively.

Obama and Clinton have been occasional golf partners since Obama became president.

Because a president is on vacation in name only, Obama is still handling business from the island.

How sweet. You’ll remember Vernon Jordan as the man Bill Clinton assigned to help Monica Lewinsky get back on her feet (pun intended) after leaving her White House internship.

Mr. Obama and Mr. Clinton have golfed together at least three times since the current President entered office, including January 2013, shortly after Mr. Obama’s re-election. Reporters and photographers covering Obama’s vacation on Martha’s Vineyard aren’t permitted to attend.


Meanwhile, Mrs. Clinton arrived on the Vineyard Saturday from Iowa, where she was campaigning at the Iowa State Fair. Later in the evening, she hopped over to Nantucket for another fundraiser before hitting the campaign trail again. Obama returns to Washington on August 23.

President Barack Obama is taking some time to spruce up his golf skills