
Obama boosts Clinton; Kaine mocks Trump

Wednesday night’s Democratic lineup was aimed at emphasizing Clinton’s own national security credentials, a shift from two nights focused more on re-introducing her to voters as a champion for women’s issues, children and families.


The billionaire also criticized the Democratic National Convention for reportedly not having American flags present at the convention. The only problem: that woman wasn’t a Hillary supporter but Nida Allam, a regional director for Bernie Sanders’ former presidential campaign.

“I’ve been blessed to have this opportunity”, Williams said. “But Hillary’s been in the room; she’s been part of those decisions”.

Yet the stream of women, African-Americans, Latinos, gay Americans – from US senators and celebrities to activists and, on Thursday, Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton herself – also serves as a reminder of Democrats’ struggles to connect with most heterosexual white men.

He’s been asking the same question in other state surveys, and Obama consistently outperforms Clinton by 5 to 6 points against Trump.

The convention’s third night was also a time for Democrats to celebrate Obama’s two terms in office.

The White House would like to make November’s crunch election a battle about competence versus incompetence, steady versus capricious, knowledge versus entertainment.

“How can there be pleasure in saying “You’re fired”?”

“This guy doesn’t have a clue about the middle class”, he declared. Give me a break!

Some recent polls on the chances of US presidential candidates have Republican candidate Donald Trump pulling ahead of Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.

President Bill Clinton, filling the role of devoted political spouse, joined the crowd packed to the arena rafters in cheering the attacks on Trump.

The Republican nominee caused howls of outrage Wednesday, with a reference to thousands of Clinton emails held on a private server that were deleted.

“I cried! I never cry”, she told USA TODAY afterwards.

Bill Clinton then delivered the evening’s keynote address, describing their life together and chronicling her accomplishments. It has everything to do with her record, which has come under intense scrutiny in recent months for her handling of Benghazi and classified information.

“He asked the Russians to interfere in American politics”.

In between scolding a female reporter and calling Barack Obama, the man Trump hopes to replace, “the most ignorant president in our history”, Trump, astonishingly, invited Vladimir Putin’s Russian Federation to “find” and distribute Hillary Clinton’s emails.

Wednesday’s events in Philadelphia were aimed at contrasting the 68-year-old Clinton’s foreign policy skills with Trump’s “unsteady, unfit and risky approach”, Clinton campaign chair John Podesta said. Tens of millions have been tuning in to the conventions in primetime this year.

The White House says Obama has been working on the roughly 30-minute speech for weeks. On Wednesday, he steps on the convention stage as the battle-hardened president hoping his legacy won’t be eroded by the outcome of the election to replace him.

“Don’t let anyone ever tell you that this country isn’t great”, Michelle stated, “That somehow we need to make it great again, because this right now is the greatest country on Earth”.

The mixed reviews Clinton received after his historic speech are reflective of the fact that he isn’t just any spouse and potential first-spouse, he’s a former president, one of the most well-recognized faces in the world, someone about whom most people have already formulated an opinion.


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History. Hillary Clinton clinches Democratic nomination