
Obama, Bush to address Dallas memorial service

Commander Russell Caldwell, the ship’s captain, is providing the tour.


Obama will also meet with families of the fallen officers.

Garrett Nelson, a petty officer 2nd class, told the president about the weapon’s impressive accuracy.

Mr. Obama had initially planned to spend around two days in Spain after attending the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation summit.

Obama landed at the military base on the Bay of Cadiz.

The president later arrived at Rota Naval Station in southern Spain, where he was greeted by Spain’s Acting Defense Minister Pedro Morenes.

In a written Q&A with Spain’s largest newspaper, El Pais, Obama encouraged Spain to remain unified, both internally and with Europe and the world.

The White House on Monday stated that President Barack Obama would be joined by his predecessor George Bush alongwith Vice-President Joe Bidden in Dallas.

Obama made the remarks following a bilateral meeting with Spanish Interim Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy.

Obama, speaking in Madrid, renewed his appeal for calm and cautioned those protesting police killings of black Americans against blanket criticism, saying the majority of officers do a good job. The White House would say only that they discussed Spanish and European politics, and that Obama “stressed the value of the longstanding ties between the United States and Spain, the need for efforts to stimulate growth and create jobs, and the importance of continued cooperation on shared security challenges”. Some of the improvement that is needed will come from better systems, but much of it will come through more training of government employees, from the very top to lower staff.

He first met with Spain’s King of Spain Felipe VI during which the two sides lauded the bilateral relations and the tangible positive development over the last years as well as the strong bonds between their nations. He cut his visit to Spain short by a day and has spoken daily during the trip about the attacks, calling for police and protesters to “listen to each other”.

Rajoy’s party also won an election in December, but no other major party would help him form a government. Obama met with King Felipe VI at the royal palace, where he reminisced about his last visit to Spain as a backpacking young college graduate contemplating law school. He affirmed that the United States is a friendly country and an ally for Spain.

It also includes a written dedication in English signed by the king and his wife, Queen Letizia.

But after canceling a state luncheon and a town hall with Spanish youth, much of Obama’s visit had the feel of a hurried social call.

The king thanked Obama for visiting under the circumstances.


Obama said it had been a “difficult week” but said the visit was important because of Spain’s strong partnership with the U.S.

Obama speaking