
Obama, Castro discuss steps to advance ties

But she offers three words of advice to people who decide to do so: Pack your patience.


Nevertheless, a warm reception awaits Francis when he follows in the footsteps of Pope John Paul’s groundbreaking 1998 visit and Pope Benedict’s 2012 trip.

A Republican lawmaker said he will boycott Pope Francis’ speech to Congress next week because of the possibility the pontiff will discuss his support for policies to fight climate change.

“They also spoke about the imminent visit of his Holiness Pope Francisco to Cuba and the United States, recognizing his contribution to the start a new stage in bilateral relations”, the statement added. They said construction materials have been purchased and fencing is up.

At one time, the city teemed with Catholics, with more than 250,000 students in the church’s schools and people identifying their neighborhood by the local Catholic parish. I’m not kidding you. As the entire country prepared to watch the historic landing, the Arch Bishop of Las Vegas is preparing to grant the Pope a personal warm welcome.

“It’s going to be a lovely visit for Cuba, especially for religious folk – but it won’t go any further than that”, said Gremy Fernandez, 35, who trained as a doctor but is working as a builder because it pays better.

“We shouldn’t expect a catalogue of Cuba’s faults”, said Candida Moss, theology professor at the University of Notre Dame.

He said Pope Francis has spoken of abortion as a sign of a throwaway culture.

Later, Pope Francis will meet with priests and seminarians and then greet young people.

“This is a Pope who has emphasised human rights wherever he has gone”.

Dawson and his family leave next week as they travel to be part of the World Meeting of the Families in Philadelphia, where the Pope will address almost two million people next weekend.

Walkowiak says while Pope Francis prefers to work the margins of the church to help the disadvantaged, he uses his own humility and compassion as a springboard to the larger discussion of humanity’s role in the world at large.


The congressman reiterated those concerns to reporters Friday afternoon, saying he will not attend “without assurances” the pope would not focus his comments on climate change.

Rep. Paul Gosar R-Arizona