
Obama Chides That Donald Trump Shouldn’t Be Graded ‘On A Curve’

Clinton told reporters on the tarmac in White Plains, New York that Trump took the “astonishing step of suggesting that he prefers the Russian president to our American President” with his remarks.


Trump said the progress of US military generals had been stymied, or “reduced to rubble” with Obama as commander-in-chief and Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton as his first secretary of state.

“They have been reduced to a point that’s embarrassing for our country”, Trump said at NBC’s “Commander-in-Chief” forum in NY attended by military veterans. “Certainly in that system, he’s been a leader, far more than our president has been”.

In a televised forum on Wednesday, Mr Trump had praised Mr Putin’s “great control” and 82% approval rating.

Putin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters on Thursday that the Kremlin is watching the USA campaign closely, but takes its rhetoric with a pinch of salt.

President Obama on Thursday said that a lot of it has to do with how our media has covered Trump as though he’s a regular presidential candidate, rather than a risky outlier who has broken democratic norms during every step of his campaign. He also compared him with United States president Obama saying that “It’s a very different system, and I don’t happen to like the system”. Trump’s Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton, has accused him of working to please the Kremlin.

Are there any Trump links to Putin?

“Republicans are just in a bad dilemma trying to support a totally unqualified nominee”, Clinton said.

“I think that any reasonable person … would be puzzled about how this became somehow indicative of the work that we’ve done here”, the president said, citing economic programs, development, and the promotion of civil society as measures of success. “Do you want me to start naming some of the things President Obama does?”

Obama rejected the notion that he’d been slighted while in Asia or that leaders in the region were rejecting his leadership – a criticism leveled by Trump.

But in Russian Federation there is little doubt which candidate the Kremlin believes closer to its line of thinking.

Trump, who has campaigned on a platform railing against illegal immigration, also said he had no problem with existing USA policy of allowing undocumented immigrants to stay in America if they serve in the military.

Trump faced questions about his fitness for office.

The appearances mark an intense, two-day focus on national security by Trump, who has offered tough rhetoric – but few details – on America’s challenges overseas.

The Republican candidate said that Hillary Clinton had been in power for last thirty years and she failed to change anything and that now the people of America needed change very quickly. Federal Bureau of Investigation officials have also warned Russian Federation may have been behind recent attempts to breach electoral registers in two states.

Trump’s address came hours before his national security acumen is tested at a “commander in chief” forum on NBC.

“I think I would have a very, very good relationship with Putin”.


“Look, it’s not going to get him anywhere”, Trump told Lauer”.

Mike Pence accepts a question from an audience member during a campaign stop at the Springfield Expo Center