
Obama endorses Clinton as his successor

After the meeting with Sanders, Obama officially endorsed Clinton’s bid for the White House, saying she has “the courage, the compassion and the heart to get the job done”.


(CNN)Hillary Clinton became the Democratic Party’s presumptive presidential nominee this week – but for her challenger Bernie Sanders, the fight is not quite over.

His endorsement came after meeting Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders who has been battling Mrs Clinton for the nomination.

Obama, who enjoys rising approval ratings as he nears the end of eight years in office, will appear with Clinton on the campaign trail next week in Wisconsin. In his endorsement, Obama said: “I don’t think there’s ever been someone so qualified to hold this office.”Look, I know how hard this job can be”. “I’m with her. I am fired up, and I can not wait to get out there and campaign for Hillary”.

In his short statement on the White House grounds, Sanders emphasized the need to defeat Trump, who he called a “disaster” for the country.

The Vermont senator, however, gave no indication that he was ready to leave the presidential race yet, insisting that he would compete in next week’s primary election in Washington, DC. “I’d hate to lose her here”, Durbin said.

Obama was expected to play the role of peacemaker as Sanders has doggedly refused to abandon his campaign, even though Clinton’s recent successes in the California and New Jersey primaries secured her the nomination.

Ahead of her endorsement Thursday, Warren spoke to the American Constitution Society and attacked Trump as a “loud, nasty, thin-skinned fraud”.

Obama and other senior Democrats are seeking a delicate balance of rallying the party behind Clinton, while not alienating Sanders and his supporters.

According to Linskey, Warren, the only Democratic woman in the Senate yet to endorse the former secretary of state, had initially planned to endorse Clinton next week.

While that idea is appealing to many Clinton advisers and she is often mentioned as a possibility, the two have not shared the sort of warm relationship that could be required for such a partnership.


The message created by Clinton’s staff was re-tweeted 145,000 times within 90 minutes of its first post, AFP reported. “That’s why I know Hillary will be so good at it”, he said.

Clinton in bid for party unity holds meeting with Warren