
Obama formally backs Hillary as successor, urges unity

The President remains popular with voters, and his endorsement will come as a significant boost to Mrs Clinton. “I’m supporting Hillary Clinton because she’s a fighter, a fighter with guts”.


As Trump sought to rally more Republicans behind him, Clinton met with US Senator Elizabeth Warren of MA to try and shore up support from the left wing of the Democratic Party.

He said he knew how hard being president can be. “I thought it made Hillary a better candidate”.

“I think she is an incredible public servant, eminently qualified for any role”, Clinton told the site.

Clinton will speak in Cleveland on Monday, where an aide says she will “define the choice that voters face in this election and outline her vision of an America that is stronger together”. Even after our own hard-fought campaign, in a testament to her character, she agreed to serve our country as secretary of state. “Appreciate the congrats for being right on radical Islamic terrorism, I don’t want congrats, I want toughness & vigilance”.

“It is profoundly wrong”, she said, “to see how many children’s lives are ended by senseless gun violence”.

Whether the tragedy in Orlando ultimately sways the trajectory of the general election campaign is unknown.

Mr Obama had been expected to support Mrs Clinton since she won enough delegates this week to clinch the Democratic nomination and become the first woman to lead a major U.S. party as its presidential nominee.

As it circulated the Obama video, the Clinton campaign announced their first joint appearance on the campaign trail will be Wednesday in Green Bay, Wisconsin.

The Associated Press reported that Clinton hit the requisite number of total delegates on the eve of Tuesday’s slate of primaries and she formally hit a majority of pledged delegates the next day with victories in the New Jersey, South Dakota, New Mexico and California primaries. “These are the issues that we will take to the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia at the end of July”.

“I think he’s accepted that”.

As the Democratic primary season was all but over, the notion of party unity had become a crucial topic in the Democratic field. “That’s a good thing”.

Democrats are striking a delicate balance between the need to unite behind Clinton in the looming battle against presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump and not alienating Sanders and his supporters.

House Minority Speaker Nancy Pelosi is one of the most influential Democrats in Washington. Well, you know, they said that eight years ago as well.

Schumer said: “We’re going to have a great and constructive relationship”.


Sanders says defeating presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump is his first priority.

Why the Massachusetts senator will not be Clinton's running mate