
Obama has poor ISIS strategy

But the US and its allies can and should increase the pressure on the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq in recognition of the group’s expanding agenda, and without committing the provide “boots on the ground”. In Syria, by way of contrast, the British will be refusing to cooperate with the Syrian army, which is the largest military force in the country, and which is now backed by Russian air power. Instead, he suggested supporting moderate Syrian opposition groups.


The attacks came more than 13 months since U.S.-led bombing against ISIS expanded from Iraq into Syria, an effort that President Barack Obama has defended despite calls for a more aggressive military engagement. “But their objective is to attack us and draw us in to that endless pit in the Middle East”. Ted Cruz to score political points. “We will take back land that they are now in”.

“We do not succumb to fear”, said Obama, according to ABC News.

“The resources applied to that mission, frankly, have not been sufficient”, Panetta said on NBC’s “Meet the Press” Sunday.

“Airstrikes alone are not going to win here”, he said.

The question each aspirant for president needs to be asked is what our strategy is and what our priorities for both Iraq and Syria are.

But isn’t the USA military even more capable than the Turkish military?

President Obama should lead a North Atlantic Treaty Organisation coalition with military forces on the ground for the sake of humanity.

Obama said he differed with his predecessor, Republican President George W. Bush, on many dilemma, but he agreed with Bush after the 9/11 assaults when the then-president said the United States wasn’t at war with Islam.

Obama’s strategy reflects the thinking behind his foreign policy during most of his presidency.

“This has gone on too long now”, she said.

All of which is to say that our coalition will not relent. “They have not gained ground in Iraq”. “The whole idea of terrorism is to get the targets to overreact – and you see it already here, with the backlash at refugees, people calling for more airstrikes, hitting targets that we’re not really sure what they are, just to show symbolically that we’re doing something”. “ISIS is not 10 feet tall”. Since he won office in 2008, he has set out to redefine the United States role in the world that reflects America’s changed circumstances and limited resources.

Hollande is now pressing for greater cooperation between the USA and Russian Federation despite their past differences on counterterrorism. “And we believe that there is more that can be done if countries are willing to contribute additional resources”.

However, because of “the frequent focus on America’s leadership of this campaign”, Obama claimed that the contributions of other partners are overlooked. But it doesn’t have to change the fundamental trajectory of the American people.

“We do not succumb to fear”, Obama stated.

Sen. Marco Rubio said, “I don’t understand it. That would be like saying we weren’t at war with Nazis because we were afraid to offend some Germans who may have been members of the Nazi party, but weren’t violent”.

Though a new CBS News poll indicates Americans have doubts about the administration’s strategy.

There was little sign, however, of President Obama shifting away from his “leading from behind” approach when he met with his French counterpart on Tuesday.

But the more “bad things” happen, the less palatable a slow pace of advance against ISIS will seem to Western leaders. “It’s nonsense”, says John Kasich, (R) Presidential Candidate.

At least one Paris attacker used a fake passport to enter Europe in a wave of refugees.


“It’s hard to think of another case”, Mueller said, aside from the 2005 attacks Britain bombings that “have had a somewhat similar reaction”. Military commanders know they have the ability to take out ISIS, but from the experience borne in Iraq and Afghanistan, without a viable entity to provide governance upon the defeat of ISIS inside Syria, the aftermath will result in chaos. Its containment policy, Watts explained, is created to wall ISIS into increasingly restricted territory and letting it fail due to its own mismanagement, economic problems, and internal discord, rather than because of the actions of a foreign oppressor.

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