
Obama hits back at Trump, calls his claims as ridiculous

“What does that mean?”


“I’ve never heard of someone complaining about being cheated before the game is over or before the score is tallied”, the president said. “What I will say is that they have been told these are classified briefings, and if they want to be president, they have to start acting like the president, and that means being able to receive these briefings and not spread them around”, Obama said during a press conference at the Pentagon.

Further attacking Donald Trump, Barack Obama urged the people of America to make their own judgements on the Republican presidential nominee.

Mr Obama said Mr Trump would get the top secret briefings on security threats to which he, Ms Clinton and their vice-presidential running-mates are entitled. If Mr. Trump is up 10 or 15 points on Election Day and ends up losing, then maybe he can raise some questions.

The threat of fraud “has been used to justify the rules that we’ve seen a revival of in the last several years that are actually making access more hard for certain groups of people”, Minnite said.

“They have been told: These are classified briefings”.

Like his session alongside Singapore’s prime minister in the White House East Room on Tuesday — during which he declared Trump “woefully unprepared” for the role of commander in chief – Obama will rely on the authority of the setting to lend credence to his criticisms of the GOP nominee.

Trump made the claim after first suggesting that the Democrats had fixed their primary system so Hillary Clinton could defeat Bernie Sanders.

Part of Trump’s not-so-subtle messaging this week was to suggest he will not go quietly should he fall to Clinton in November. We announced them to all of you. But it seemingly reached a crescendo this week after Trump attacked the parents of a Muslim US soldier who was killed in Iraq, after they appeared at the Democratic National Convention.

Obama on Thursday, speaking to reporters at the Pentagon, made clear that both candidates would be treated equally.

He warned that there remained a “serious” threat of an ISIS attack on United States soil, that would not be spectacular, like al Qaeda’s assault on 9/11 but could be a smaller scale operations using “small arms, or assault rifles”, or a truck, as happened recently in Nice, France.

“There’s not a meeting that I don’t end by saying, “Is there something else we can be doing that we haven’t thought of?”

Obama additionally offered a survey of diverse military operations around the world, including the fight to support the Afghan government in its civil war with the Taliban and a growing ISIS presence. (Sanders backers grew even more concerned after leaked Democratic National Committee emails showed leadership favoring Clinton.) By turning now to say he believes the general election could also be unfairly favorable to Clinton, Trump is laying the groundwork to fuel his supporters’ fury if he loses on November 8.

“We do not pay ransom”.


As he celebrated his 55th birthday on Thursday, Obama can bask in the benefit of rising poll numbers.

Obama dismisses Trump claim of rigged election as ridiculous