
Obama is “founder” of Islamic State

The remarks came at a rally in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, according to Politico, where Trump told crowds “ISIS is honoring President Obama”. Instead of allowing some small forces behind to maybe, just maybe, keep it under control, we pulled it out. So, in that sense he is.


Donald Trump escalated his rhetoric against Barack Obama on Wednesday, dubbing the USA president as the “founder of Isis”. So, you know the other side isn’t completely innocent of throwing around ISIS accusations, but I think in this case, this accusation is far more accurate than Donald Trump being an ISIS propagandist.

Trump’s declaration echoed an attack he made against Clinton last week, also in Florida, in which he said the former secretary of state “should get an award from them as the founder of Isis”. He is the founder of ISIS, okay?

Republicans have long sought to blame the turmoil in the Middle East on the Obama administration’s foreign policy, often criticizing the president for underestimating the threat posed by Isis.

The White House declined to comment on Mr Trump’s accusations.

As Politifact noted, the source of the rumor – a memo detailing opposition groups to the Syrian government – did not in fact endorse working with Al-Qaeda in Iraq to depose Assad.

US Senator Bill Nelson of Florida applauds (R) as Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton acknowledges supporters during a rally at the Osceola Heritage Park in Kissimmee, Florida on August 8, 2016.

Trump also referred to the president by his full legal name: Barack Hussein Obama.

In the aftermath of the Pulse nightclub shooting in Orlando, Obama said he wouldn’t refer to ISIS as radical Islamic terrorists because it would play right into the group’s hands.

“Radical Islamic terrorism”, Trump continued.

Trump’s campaign spokesman later denied allegations that the comments were advocating for Clinton to be assassinated.


A Reuters/IPSOS poll Wednesday found that 19 percent of Republican voters want the real estate tycoon to drop out of the race, while 70 percent think he should stay and 10 percent say they don’t know.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump at his Florida campaign rally where he accused Obama as being the founder of Daesh