
Obama: It’s possible Calif. shooting was terrorism-related

But it is increasingly unclear what the White House’s own part might be.


Both efforts failed in the face of heavy Republican opposition.

Check out the above video of the President’s address from CNN. And even though the guns used in the attack were purchased legally.

“I don’t believe Congress should ever have a knee-jerk reaction on something”, said Rep. Jeff Denham, a Republican from the 10th District, which includes Modesto.

But given Thursday’s Senate votes and recent public opinion polls, it is not apparent the United States has reached a “tipping point” in favor of stricter gun laws.

The mass shooting in California has intruded on a normally festive event in Washington – the annual lighting of the Capitol Christmas Tree.

Like others, he was adamant that the Obama administration has held back in the name of political correctness. The FBI has taken the lead in the investigation, the president said, with assistance from local agencies.

Obama administration officials avoid terms such as “Islamic extremism” and “Muslim terrorists” to keep from alienating the world’s billion or so Muslims, including the leaders of crucial allies in the Middle East.

“It certainly looks like there was a fair amount of preparation that went into this attack”, Schiff said in an interview.

He warned that the event should be a wake-up call, but for stepped-up national defense and intelligence. America is an extraordinary place.

Republicans control the House by 246-188, with a significant bloc of members aligned with the hard-right Freedom Caucus.

“People with mental illness are getting guns and committing these mass shootings”, Ryan said on CBS This Morning. He continued, “We do know that the two individuals who were killed were equipped with weapons and appeared to have access to additional weaponry at their homes but we don’t know why they did it”. Dianne Feinstein of California that would have stopped people on the government’s anti-terrorist “no fly” list from buying guns. Watts told Refinery29 that the United States has a higher rate of gun violence than other developed countries because of its lax gun laws, but activist organizations like hers can make a real difference for gun law reform, even if it’s just at the local level. By 50-48, the chamber also blocked a measure by Sens. Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Republican Patrick Toomey of Pennsylvania. But Republicans blocked the measures in a series of floor votes. Mark Kirk of IL, who faces a hard re-election campaign next year in a heavily Democratic state. The senator blasted more regulations, saying, “This is not about gun control”.

“Unless the majority of Republicans want to do something, the short answer is we’re not going to do anything”, said Rep. Jim Costa, a Democrat from Fresno who represents California’s 16th Congressional District.

“We need to start taking baby steps towards a better America, and whether you’re an American living in Australia or an American on domestic shores, we need to start talking and we can’t assume things will change”.

“We’ve got some active legislation out there”, Thompson said, but “there has been no willingness to bring any of these up for a vote”.


But it was Donald Trump who ramped up the rhetoric further than all the others.

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