
Obama makes trade deal top priority in remaining months

A failure by Congress to ratify the Trans Pacific Partnership deal would “call into question America’s leadership” just as a new administration transitions into power, Obama warned Tuesday.


The TPP deal is facing growing opposition amid the anti-trade rhetoric in the presidential campaigns – Democrat Hillary ClintonHillary Rodham ClintonTrump says he will release medical records Trump: “I don’t know” if birther attacks hurt image with black voters Trump to call for end of military sequestration MORE and Republican Donald TrumpDonald TrumpRadio host Levin reverses course: “I’m gonna vote for Donald Trump” Trump says he will release medical records Trump: “I don’t know” if birther attacks hurt image with black voters MORE each strongly oppose the TPP.

Even among Republican Trump supporters, 47% support the deal, while 58% of Republicans who backed another candidate are in favor of the agreement.

“T$3 he combination of globalization and automation have integrated the world economies like never before”, Obama said. America’s Asian allies are looking to the USA for a tangible result of the administration’s “pivot” to Asia, and generally regard the TPP as not just an economic but security link at a time of provocative territorial claims by Beijing. The U.S. already has trade agreements with most of the countries, but TPP would open new partnerships with the powerhouse of Japan and an emerging Vietnam.

But Dycus fears TPP will make it easier for such companies to operate in low-wage countries, rather than the United States, in what he said “is a race to the bottom”. “It’s a rape of our country”. Bernie Sanders, came out against the deal past year, despite both a history of pro-trade positions and having advocated for the deal during her time as Secretary of State. Bernie Sanders. She said she wasn’t confident it would create the jobs its backers predict.

US PRESIDENT Barack Obama sought to speed up ratification of the controversial Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal when he addressed Asian leaders in Laos yesterday.

House Speaker Paul Ryan, who’s been a staunch supporter of the agreement in the past, recently said it had to be renegotiated while meeting with Wisconsin manufacturing workers in early August. “And I remain confident that we can get TPP passed”.

Elizabeth Warren, a Democratic senator and standard-bearer on the USA left, opened a new broadside on Wednesday against the White House s signature Pacific trade pact, calling it a risky corporate power grab.

“It’s not easy for them to understand that that’s part of a raucous election process where a lot of things should be taken with a grain of salt”, said John Engler, a former Republican governor of MI and president of the Business Roundtable, which is working to build support for the agreement in Congress. “That’s a problem for us”.

“Look, the politics of trade have always been complicated”, Obama explained, seeming to suggest that Clinton and Ryan, as many in politics have suspected, are only appearing to be against his trade pact for political purposes.

John Boyd, a principal in the site-selection and legislative advisory firm The Boyd Co., said Tennessee businesses and consumers “will be big winners here as lower import tariffs mean lower prices for all of us on the goods and services we buy”. So [it] takes a lot longer than a 30-second sound bite.

“But what’s also true is, is that there has increasingly been, because of this integration, a tendency towards those of us who are highly skilled, highly resourced, have access to capital, to be able to get a bigger and bigger share of that growth”, Obama said.

“We are near the finish line, and we hope that the countries – particularly the USA – will be able to ratify the TPP as soon as possible”, Lee said during that visit.


The Chicago Council on Global Affairs poll was conducted by an online research panel between June 10-27 among a sample of 2,061 adults above the age of 18.

John Key and US President Barack Obama