
Obama, Netanyahu make dueling appeals on Iran to US Jews

Later in the afternoon, President Obama will meet with Jewish leaders at the White House for a briefing on the deal.


Gibson has called the proposed deal “a real problem” that makes the U.S. look “desperate” and could lead to a new war. “It will spark a nuclear arms race in the region”.

Replying to another question, Mr Toner said the United States had close counter-terrorism cooperation with India, and supported New Delhi’s demand for bringing those to justice who were responsible for the Mumbai terrorist attacks.

Under the agreement, Iran will curb some but not all aspects of its nuclear program in exchange for a lifting of worldwide sanctions that have pulverized its economy in recent years.

Despite American efforts to reassure Israel, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government remains relentless in highlighting the deal’s flaws and shortcomings.

With surveys showing American Jewish opinion mixed on a dispute that has strained the U.S.-Israeli alliance, Netanyahu cast his opposition to the Iran deal as non-partisan.

“The nuclear deal with Iran doesn’t block Iran’s path to the bomb”.

Iran places top priority on neighboring countries for foreign investments, Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani said here on Tuesday. “Judge the deal on its substance and on its substance alone”.

Moniz, who had a key role in drafting the agreement with Iran, met with Steinitz in June to discuss the details of the talks. The scandal involved blood supplies contaminated with HIV that were imported from France at the time when Fabius was prime minister and which infected hundreds of Iranians.

He also spoke about the threat posed by Islamic State to Israel, but said: “Iran is undermining the existence of Israel, Daesh is not”. “We are just a small Satan”.

Pennsylvania’s junior U.S. senator is staunchly opposed to the nuclear deal with Iran.

“We will not give away even the smallest national secret, whether military, scientific, commercial or societal… our defensive capability won’t be diminished at all”, Rouhani said.

In response, Israel’s Energy Minister Yuval Shteinitz shot back, saying, “If i were an American, I would oppose the agreement”.


“In order for any agreement to work, the Iranian regime has to come to the conclusion that the pursuit of nuclear weapons is not in their best interest, and I don’t think they’ve come to that conclusion”. He also denied that Israel is interested in seeing the United States go to war with Iran.
