
Obama plan on emissions facing cloud of opposition

Obama noted “there is such a thing as being too late when it comes to climate change”, and said his administration has taken on the challenge for future generations.


For the Democrats, global climate change served as a rallying point to energise liberal supporters and project Republicans as out of touch with the majority of US citizens.

However, he also stressed that the global effort would be extremely challenging and would only be achieved if all countries work together to cut emissions.

“Existing power plants can still dump unlimited of harmful carbon pollution into the air we breathe”.

Donohue, president and CEO of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, echoed Scott’s sentiments.

The Clean Power Plan establishes the first-ever national standards to limit carbon pollution from power plants, the largest source of carbon emissions in the US.

Mushahidullah Khan responds to President Obama’s clean energy plan.

An epic legal battle is about to begin over President Obama’s plan to address climate change, in which the Environmental Protection Agency is putting in place new limits on greenhouse gases from power plants. That’s in part why more than 670 solar industry leaders have already endorsed the plan.

The plan protects public health.

Tri-State is an electric power supplier owned by 44 electric cooperatives.

Number three emitter the European Union has tried to lead by example since its member states last October agreed to cut emissions by 40 percent by 2030 over a benchmark of 1990, a binding target that is the world’s most ambitious.

“I’m saying the data and facts don’t support it”, Cruz said at a retreat sponsored by billionaire brothers Charles and David Koch, heavily courted donors who oppose Obama’s climate change agenda.

Information on how the Clean Power Plan impacts New Mexico is available here.

“States should be encouraged to include low-income residential energy efficiency programs in their plans, as this is an opportunity to help those most vulnerable to reduce their energy expenditures while helping reduce the country’s carbon emissions”, Castelli said.

Thus, it is said that, once implemented, the Clean Power Plan will cut the number of premature deaths documented in the US annually by about 1,500 to 3,600.

As the nation’s top utility for providing wind energy, Fowke said the company already is poised to meet some of the plan’s requirements.


Big changes are in store for energy plants across the country.

Q&A: A look at climate change plan and its impact on states