
Obama ‘ready to explode’ onto 2016 campaign trail

“But they’re going to have to retrain for the jobs of the future, not the jobs of the past”. Federally funded projects to fix the city’s streets and repave the airport’s runway put construction workers back on the job.


Yet Obama had the audacity to claim just three days ago in IN that “by nearly every economic measure, America is better off than when I came here at the beginning of my presidency”.

While middle-class incomes have been slow to recover since the recession, they are now slightly higher, even adjusted for inflation. He noted the rising gap between the wealthy and the poor in the USA and the stagnant wages of millions of American workers.

Just a few days after President Obama made a special trip to IN to tout economic recovery, a new jobs report reveals US hiring fell IN May to its lowest level IN five years. Nationally, the jobless rate has fallen from 10% to 5% this past April.

And, Governor Mike Pence says the president shouldn’t take credit for Elkhart’s recovery. Our state has experienced an economic comeback because the story in IN has been very different.

Obama has not endorsed former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in her race for the Democratic presidential nomination against Bernie Sanders, the USA senator from Vermont, but he has made his eagerness to campaign for the victor clear.

Obama sought to push back on Trump’s arguments.

“If you’re hearing that story all of the time, you start believing it”, Obama said. “And it’s letting immigrants and foreigners steal whatever jobs Obamacare hasn’t killed yet”. Arguing that his controversial $840 billion stimulus package was ultimately vindicated, Obama will call on the next president to be willing to spend big to enable further economic growth. ‘Government spending is not what is squeezing the middle class’.

After asking him several of her own questions, including whether he views Donald Trump’s popularity as a direct repudiation of his presidency and why he refused to mention his name all day, PBS anchor Gwen Ifill turned the microphone over to audience members.

“If what you really care about in this election is your pocketbook; if what you’re concerned about is who will look out for the interests of working people and grow the middle class, then the debate isn’t even close”, the president said. Elkhart is the nation’s biggest builder of RVs. “I just don’t get it”.

Barack Obama is known for his smooth speech, but he turned into the Stutterer in Chief when he tried attacking Donald Trump at a rally in IN this week. The bill is often cited by Obama supporters as one of the president’s most important achievements.

Elkhart’s recovery during Obama’s time in office highlights the choice Americans will have in November, Obama said. “These are permanent fixtures in our economy and rolling them back will not help folks in Elkhart or anywhere else”. Though Obama won IN in 2008 IN a shocking victory, he lost the traditionally Republican state decisively four years later.

“I definitely got whooped here in 2012”.


It’s crucial to the Democratic presidential nominee that voters buy Obama’s message in states like OH, which the president won by just two percentage points four years ago, and Pennsylvania, where he prevailed by five percentage points. “So I’m not here looking for votes”.

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