
Obama refutes Trump, says America is great ‘right now’

Later, in a question-and-answer session with the executives, Obama delivered what he termed a “quick rant” that appeared to be an indirect criticism of Trump’s campaign rhetoric, although Obama did not mention him by name.


A partial shutdown will occur October 1 unless lawmakers provide money to keep the federal government functioning. Harry Reid and Rep. Nancy Pelosi occurs as the Senate’s top Republican, Sen.

The larger significance of Obama’s call on Wednesday is that it shows how the White House is planning to try to take advantage of the GOP primary circus.

No. 2 House Democrat Steny Hoyer of Maryland said that Democrats would be willing to help advance a temporary government-wide funding bill provided they can strike agreement with Republicans.

“Keeping this tax loophole, which leads to folks who are doing very well paying lower rates than their secretaries, is not in any demonstrable way improving our economy”, Obama told executives at a Business Roundtable gathering Wednesday in Washington.

Obama returned to the theme later in his remarks. Income inequality is an increasingly hot political issue, and policies that seem to exacerbate wealth disparity are key targets.

In referring to nuclear arms control regimes, Obama was most likely thinking about “norms”, rather than governance, since the USA has not advocated creating an agency like the global Atomic Energy Agency to monitor cyber weapons, said Bruce McConnell, a former Department of Homeland Security cyber security chief. “We shouldn’t have a multitude of these fights”. Still, this is a subject that deserves greater public scrutiny, as the more people know about how the one-tenth of 1-percenters get treated like royalty under the tax code, the better. Today, some are suggesting the government should be shut down because they don’t like Planned Parenthood. “That’s not good sense, and it’s not good business”. There was little sign in either chamber that a budget deadline loomed.

The letter said that “even with these modest spending limits, discretionary spending will still increase in 2016 and every year thereafter”.

The Obama administration, in recent days, has sought to impress on the public the improvement in the economy since the recession.

The real estate magnate also has insisted that America “never wins” anymore.


If Donald Trump has said it once, he has talked about making America a victor 10,000 times.

Obama criticizes GOP ‘doom and gloom’/PPP Focus