
Obama’s climate plan shows US can change world — UN’s Ban

President Obama says the clean power plan will keep 870 million tons of carbon dioxide pollution out of the atmosphere.


Also, the states’ ongoing efforts to reduce energy demand won’t be included in their baseline measurements the way that other factors, like replacing coal plants with cleaner sources, will be.

“The President’s lawless and radical attempt to destabilize the Nation’s energy system is flatly unconstitutional and, unless it is invalidated by Congress, struck down by the courts, or rescinded by the next Administration, will cause Americans’ electricity costs to skyrocket at a time when we can least afford it. I urge leaders of both parties, including Democrats who represent communities that will be devastated by this reckless policy, to stand up against this Administration’s risky agenda of economic decline”.

The plan aims to cut carbon pollution 32 percent by the year 2030. Simmons believes the Clean Power Plan will probably be the most litigated regulation of all time.

But the response from Republicans and critics of the rules was swift and strident.

Wolf says the federal plan sets ambitious but achievable goals for cutting carbon emissions statewide.

It has been disappointing, but not surprising, to see Republicans’ knee-jerk opposition to addressing climate change. States that don’t come up with their own plans will have to go with whatever the EPA comes up with for that state.

Mr. Obama was joined in the East Room by Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Gina McCarthy and by parents of asthma patients.

Power plants account for about a third of all U.S. emissions of the heat-trapping gases blamed for global warming.

In other words, the sky is supposedly falling over a few percentage points, as well as a few more solar and wind arrays.

But that Public Service Company of New Mexico plan for the San Juan Generating Station has not been approved by state regulators. A spokesman for the agency said it was still analyzing the details.

Terry Lansdell, Clean Air Carolina’s program director, said asking states to work together in this way will mean real change in air quality. He said the natural gas plants being built will have to meet the goal and make sure they’re efficient. The Clean Power Plan will boost renewable energy by 30 percent over the next 15 years, creating tens of thousands of jobs and lowering energy costs for American families.


“Climate change is no longer just about the future we’re predicting for our children or our grandchildren, it’s about the reality that we’re living with every day – right now”, said Obama pointing to stronger storms, deeper droughts and more frequent floods.

Obama CPP