
Obama’s comments on Clinton email raises concerns of bias

The Sanders team held a conference call with reporters to blast Clinton for opposing a plan that would’ve allowed New York’s undocumented immigrants to apply for driver’s licenses in 2007.


Both candidates are now campaigning across the state, looking to win over New York’s diverse population, including voters who come from immigrant families. Bernie Sanders’ interview with the editorial board became a talking point, as some, including the Daily News, argued his explanation for how he would address financial inequality in the US was under-cooked. Though states like Pennsylvania and MI have voted Democratic in each of the last six elections, Trump’s focus on protectionism would put those states in play in November.

With 95 delegates at stake, Trump holds large leads among every Republican demographic.

“People know that we don’t just need better policies, we need a wholesale rethinking of how our economy and our politics work, and for whom they work”, he said. “And, therefore, they’ll stick with her”.

Weaver also told an ABC podcast that there will – quote – “certainly be a contested convention” if neither of you gets the magic number with pledged delegates. Democratic Party rules left each candidate with seven of Wyoming’s 14 delegates.

But the enthusiastic endorsement for Clinton, who gave a much stronger performance, was nevertheless a surprise for the progressive New York City tabloid.

Because each state has its own nuances and quirks of how to conduct a primary election for both the Democrat and Republican candidates, both parties must re-examine the process from this 2016 primary season and make the process more streamlined in 2020. “Voters see her as the ultimate politician, who will do or say anything to get elected”.

“I can’t foresee any circumstances under which going into the convention I’d change my mind”, said Randi Weingarten, a superdelegate who has committed to supporting Clinton this election, and who is president of the American Federation of Teachers, which has endorsed Clinton.

Dwyer said Leahy had planned all along to support the candidate with the most pledged delegates.


While some Sanders supporters have argued the influence of superdelegates is undemocratic, Weingarten pointed to the caucuses where Sanders has scored most of his victories “Somebody could argue that a caucus structure for two hours on one day is not terribly democratic”, she said.

The latest poll results for both the US presidential nominations suggest the race is tightening