
Obama’s half-brother to vote for Trump

In a shocking admission that is set to raise eyebrows among the current American president’s clique, Malik Obama says he plans to travel back to Maryland, US, to back Mr Trump.


Obama plans to trek back to the United States to vote for Trump in November.

Even though Federal Bureau of Investigation have recommended not prosecuting Hillary for the breach of security for using private e-mail servers, Malik Obama thinks his brother Barack should have pushed for the prosecution of Clinton.

Malik also holds Clinton and Obama responsible for killing Libyan leader Muamar Gaddafi, whom he called one of his best friends.

Malik told the Post he felt like a Republican because they don’t stand for same-sex marriage.

President Barack Obama has made it very clear where his allegiance lies in the upcoming election, but his brother appears to not share the same feelings. For one thing, he’s inspired by Trump’s slogan, “Make America Great Again”.

President Barack Obama has repeatedly expressed his unwavering endorsement of his former rival and likely Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, but it turns out that support isn’t echoed by his half-brother Malik Obama, the New York Post revealed in an interview. “I would like to meet him”. Malik dedicated his 2012 biography of his late father to Gaddafi and others who were “making this world a better place”.

“President Obama is my brother and I love him, but he is a hypocrite because he has neglected his African heritage and wants nothing to do with it despite campaigning on a platform that he will help transform Africa”, said Obama. “My brother and the secretary of state disappointed me in that regard”.

Mr. Trump was quick to point out the news on Twitter, saying that Mr. Malik was probably treated badly by the President.

The Post reports the elder Obama does not support the Democrats’ stance on same-sex marriage and how the Federal Bureau of Investigation handled Clinton’s email scandal. The President only met his half-brother in 1985.

President Obama has seven half-siblings from both his mother and father.


Malik Obama, the eldest, is the director of the Barack H. Obama Foundation, a controversial Virginia charity named after his father.

Sunday: President Barack Obama