
Obama’s speech fires up Tennessee Democrats at convention

Hillary Clinton accepting the nomination. “There has never been a man or a woman, not me, not Bill, more qualified to serve as the President of the United States”, he said to thunderous cheers. The Right wants to pillory her as “Crooked Hillary” but Clinton does not need their votes to carry her over the finish line.


He said he hasn’t fixed everything and there are many challenges ahead – for the country and Clinton – but he’s confident the Democratic Party and the country are in good hands. Donald Trump, you are asking Americans to trust you with our future.

“Our country does not feel “great already” to the millions of wonderful people living in poverty, violence and despair”, he wrote on Twitter.

But outside, protesters are planning to fearless the weather to make one last convention stand against the party’s nomination.

The efforts hang over the final day of a raucous convention, where Sanders supporters from the start have protested how their candidate was treated by the party brass, particularly after leaked DNC emails pointed to a pro-Clinton bias inside headquarters.

The address bookends Mr Obama’s career-launching address to the Democratic convention in 2004, his contentious 2008 primary battle with Mrs Clinton and his eight years in office. “Instead, help Donald Trump hold her accountable, call out her lies and fight back against her nasty attacks”. “He calls himself a business guy, which is true, but I have to say, I know plenty of businessmen and women who’ve achieved success without leaving a trail of lawsuits, and unpaid workers, and people feeling like they got cheated”, he said.

The week’s most powerful validation came Wednesday night from President Barack Obama, her victorious primary rival in 2008.

“Tonight, I ask you to do for Hillary Clinton what you did for me”, Obama told a national television audience from the stage at the Wells Fargo Centre.

PHILADELPHIA-In a match entering its third round Wednesday night, the Democratic Party brought out its biggest names for to highlight their reasons for backing presidential nominee and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

He said nothing truly prepares a person for being president, but contrasted Clinton’s experience with that of Trump, a one-time television reality show host who as a developer has built NY skyscrapers and casinos along the Atlantic Ocean. Like several other speakers on Wednesday, he recalled that Clinton was in the room when his administration made the decision to kill Osama bin Laden.

“We do know that there’s a slice, however narrow, of those persuadable voters that are still making up their minds”, Clinton press secretary Brian Fallon told reporters in Philadelphia as he previewed her remarks. Rocked by an email scandal that refuses to die, she is now about as unpopular with voters as Trump.

In a moment of levity, basketball legend Kareem Abdul Jabar took the stage, saying “I’m Michael Jordan and I’m here with Hillary”. He suggested, conversely, that Trump “does not believe in science”. Tim Kaine, was also addressing the convention, his highest profile opportunity to introduce himself to the nation.

Today, Donald Trump once again took Russia’s side.

“America is already great”.

Throughout the convention, speakers have presented her as a change maker who cares about the lives of every American.

“They offered no solutions for the problems facing America – in fact, they pretended those problems didn’t even exist.” the statement said.


The Republican nominee has hammered Clinton as untrustworthy, and Republicans depict her as a Washington insider who would continue what they see as the failed policies of Obama’s presidency.

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton reaches for a falling balloon at the conclusion of the Democratic