
Obama says Clinton most qualified to be next president

But as I’ve traveled this country, through all fifty states; as I’ve rejoiced with you and mourned with you, what I’ve also seen, more than anything, is what is right with America. Clinton must offer a defense of the decision making of the administration she served and which failed to recognize and counter the rising threat from ISIS.


“This has to be the first time that a major presidential candidate has actively encouraged a foreign power to conduct espionage against his political opponent”, said Clinton adviser Jake Sullivan.

Said Clinton, in a surprise appearance on video at night’s end: “We just put the biggest crack in that glass ceiling yet”.

And indeed, however anticipated, the moment is a genuine milestone in USA politics, the first nomination by a major party of a woman candidate as its choice for president.

Democrats have buttressed Clinton with a star gathering of current and past party notables at this week’s convention.

US President Barack Obama on Wednesday night (local time) slammed Donald Trump for fear-mongering and said that there’s never been a more qualified person, ever, than Hillary Clinton to be President of the US.

Obama’s prime-time speech in Philadelphia capped a 12-year career in national politics as he attempts to pass the baton to the former first lady and senator from NY. I know Hillary won’t relent until ISIL is destroyed.

“Nothing truly prepares you for the demands of the Oval Office”, the two-term president will say, according to excerpts of his speech released by the White House.

Obama’s image of the United States contrasts starkly with the Republicans presidential nominee Donald Trump’s dystopian view of contemporary America as a place where security threats abound and law and order has broken down. While he secured a sweeping health overhaul and economic reforms that reshaped the American economy, the same gridlock he promised to break through stopped him from delivering new laws and policies to fix immigration, tighten gun restrictions and reduce the role of money in politics.

It is the nature of democracy that until the votes are cast, and the American people have their say, we don’t know [who will win]. “When you teach a girl she shouldn’t play baseball she’ll wonder what else she shouldn’t do”, said Justine Siegal.

The message was carefully rolled out over the course of several hours on cable and primetime television by a campaign that has a plan to dismantle Trump’s reputation over the next 103 days. And Obama will also credit Sen.

Obama and Clinton were rivals in the hard-fought campaign for the 2008 Democratic nomination. “My time in this office hasn’t fixed everything; as much as we’ve done, there’s still so much I want to do”.

The nation’s top Democrats are looking to make their most forceful case yet for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign in Philadelphia on Wednesday, with President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden slated to speak on behalf of the party’s first-ever woman nominee for president.

Trump pushed back on the Democrats’ insinuations that Russian Federation is trying to tip the scales in his favor. It began with a biting video splicing together prominent Republicans warning of the consequences of Donald Trump’s foreign policy statements and questioning whether he has the temperament to hold the nuclear launch codes.

But the move by Sanders did not go over well with some of his supporters, who staunchly oppose Clinton and have not accepted his calls for them to support her.

“By so many measures, our country is stronger and more prosperous than it was when we started”, Obama said. But he said she will have to work to inspire him to get out and volunteer for her campaign this fall.

White men still make up about a third of the typical presidential electorate, and will be crucial to Trump’s fortunes in Rust Belt states that have seen a declining middle class. “Donald Trump is a walking, talking recruiting poster for terrorists”, he said.

The possible futures of Bernie Sanders’s “political revolution” were visible across this city on Wednesday.


Clinton’s campaign believes Trump’s unorthodox candidacy will turn off moderate Republicans, particularly women, who worry he’s too unpredictable to take the helm in a turbulent world.

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