
Obama says curbs on assault weapons could help prevent attacks like Orlando

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks about the Orlando shooting at an event in New Hampshire on Monday.


“Our position is no guns for terrorists-period”, it said.

“Anyone on a terror watchlist who tries to buy a gun should be thoroughly investigated by the FBI and the sale delayed while the investigation is ongoing”.

When asked Wednesday to clarify Trump’s stance on guns, campaign spokeswoman Hope Hicks said, “Mr. Trump has already stated his position on this”. “And I think we ought to take a look at what, when we get more information about what, how this transpired, how it went down, take a look and see if there are things we can do to shore up some of the gaps we have”.

Speaking in New Hampshire a few hours later, Trump said Clinton’s plans include “disarming law-abiding” citizens by “abolishing the Second Amendment and leaving only the bad guys and terrorists with guns”. Republicans blocked that legislation, arguing that innocent people are often placed on watch lists and the bill would deny them their constitutional rights to buy guns.

In light of the Orlando shooting, some Republican lawmakers appeared open to a possible reconsideration of the bill that stalled last fall on trying to keep guns out of the hands of people on the terrorist watch list.

“I’ve got to tell you for twenty-five years now, I’ve believed that we should not be selling automatic weapons which are created to kill people”, Sanders said.

Donald Trump will discuss with the National Rifle Association a proposal to ban anyone on the terrorist watch list and no-fly list from obtaining a gun. The government can stop someone on these smaller, more scrutinized lists from buying a gun, but that person can appeal the decision to an appellate court.

In December, House Democrats introduced a new federal ban on assault weapons that was created to address the shortcomings in the earlier law.

He continued, however, to suggest that if the gun control laws in Paris were not so strict, some of the victims of the terror attacks would have been able to shoot back at the terrorists, keeping the overall casualty count down.

Well, the good folks over at LGBT for Gun Rights posted this handy single-image guide to how to tell a regular AR-15 from an actual select-fire “assault rifle” using the standard military definition (hint, it’s in the selector switch behind the trigger group if you haven’t figured it out on your own).

The group was founded by former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, a longtime proponent of expanded background checks and other measures aimed at reducing gun violence.

“It’s been a do-nothing congress when it comes to the issue of gun legislation”, Becerra said.

On Capitol Hill, Democrats are determined to force a tough election-year vote on Sen. Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) has authored a bill to do just that.

On Tuesday the NRA tweeted: “Restrictions like bans on gun purchases by people on “watch lists” are ineffective, unconstitutional, or both”. That measure has received more support than Feinstein’s proposal – but still not enough to pass.


A USA government report shows that known or suspected terrorists have passed background checks for gun sales more than 90 percent of the time since 2004.

Donald Trump speaks during a presidential campaign rally on Wednesday in Atlanta