
Obama Says Russian Federation Needs ‘strategic Adjustment’ On ISIS

Obama was ending a nine-day trip to Turkey and Asia that has been clouded by the Paris terror attacks and credible threats that prompted Belgian authorities to deploy troops and impose a lockdown as they hunt suspects.


“The most powerful tool we have to fight ISIL is to say that we’re not afraid, to not elevate them, to somehow buy into their fantasy that they’re doing something important”, he said. It’s unclear whether that was a factor in the Paris attacks that killed 130, although Obama has insisted that’s not a legitimate security threat. He dismissed the global prowess of IS and said, “They’re a bunch of killers with good social media”.

Kuala Lumpur: Brushing off refugee worries at home, President Barack Obama crouched alongside migrant children and declared they are the opposite of terrorists wreaking havoc from Paris to Mali.

Going by the president’s words, the White House promises no change in plans for the climate talks in Paris next week, to be attended by world leaders, including the US president. The group claimed responsibility for blowing a Russian passenger jet out of the sky over Egypt, killing 224 people. He hoped that Moscow would eventually accept a political transition in Syria, including the departure of President Bashar Al-Assad.

The USA and its allies will press ahead with their battle against the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq with or without Russia’s cooperation, he said. Obama said it was not clear whether Putin could work effectively with the U.S.-led coalition.Putin “needs to go after the people who killed Russias citizens, ” Obama said. The two met last week during an economic summit in Turkey.

Almost five years of fighting between the Assad government and rebels has created a vacuum that allowed IS to thrive in both Syria and Iraq. “They cannot strike a mortal blow against France or the United States or a country like Malaysia, but they can make people fearful”, Obama said, speaking in Kuala Lumpur and using an acronym for Islamic State.

The agency said the group of militants killed in Sunday’s raid were allied with the Islamic State and had helped to send local residents to Syria to fight with the militant group.

If, however, Hollande decides to abandon the US and choose Russian Federation, that will constitute the beginning of a new era after the end of World War II: the post-post-post-WW-II era.


If Hollande decides to continue France’s alliance with the US and their participation in America’s anti-Russia military club North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, then the European Union still might break up, but the likelihood of continued expansion of the U.S.-Russian war and of its surging millions of refugees could then force a few other European Union member nations to leave the European Union; and, so, other European Union leaders will then come to the fore, as being the key decision-makers in this ongoing crisis.

President Barack Obama