
Obama sees chance for improved relations between US, Iran

Netanyahu is not giving up on his goal to sabotage the deal even though undermining Israel’s close ties with the US could be a far greater threat than anything the nuclear agreement could bring along. Opponents can not escape through a trapped door marked later.


McConnell has called the president’s argument “absurd” and said war has never been the sole alternative to negotiating with Iran.

Diablo Valley College Middle East studies instructor Amer Araim’s seemingly wishful thinking is equally supportive of Tehran’s line: “it is sincerely hoped that these funds will be used to help the Iranian people develop their economy and to ensure prosperity in that country”.

“This is the strongest non-proliferation agreement ever negotiated”, he said.

President Barack Obama hinted on Saturday that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s involvement in American politics following the Iran deal is without precedent.

And he is doing it at a time when the deal was unanimously endorsed in the United Nations Security Council. India was Iran’s partners in Afghanistan in the 1990s; together they contributed towards instability of Afghanistan by nurturing erstwhile northern alliance and strengthening intra-Afghan ethnic divide.

Reacting to Senator Schumer’s statement opposing the nuclear deal, White House spokesman Josh Earnest commented that he “wouldn’t be surprised” if Senate Democrats took Schumer’s dissent into account in the leadership vote set for the end of 2016. Any deal that limits accumulation and development while implementing a more thorough inspections regime is an improvement over our current situation.

There was also a nuclear dimension to this relationship. In May, it approved a $1.9 billion arms sale to Israel, including “bunker-buster” bombers, that analysts said probably was meant to ease objections to the nuclear agreement.

A senior Iranian security official earlier this year claimed that the elite Revolutionary Guards Corps had thwarted Israel’s espionage agency Mossad’s assassination attempt against one of its nuclear scientists.

And equally incredibly, Netanyahu decided against building on that success. “Warm relations” are the least likely outcome of the increase in funding for Iran’s terrorist proxies Hamas and Hezbollah that even President Obama admits will follow the easing of sanctions.

Asked by the magazine whether the worldwide community could expect to hear about the deaths of Iranian nuclear scientists or various malware attacks compromising the Iranian nuclear program’s computer networks, Ya’alon said, “We should be ready to defend ourselves”. But as strongmen from Islamabad to Pyongyang keenly appreciate, a nuclear weapon or two has a wonderful capacity for commanding the attention of one’s neighbors, and distant unserious world powers, too. All honest parties acknowledge that some portion of those unsequestered Iranian funds are going to find their way into financing terror operations, and that may be of some direct concern to the United States at some point down the road; it will be a critical concern for Israel the day after the funds are released.


Obama has left no doubt about who will win this contest.