
Obama slams Republican rhetoric against Muslims

Clawson, a Bonita Springs Republican, offered the Tea Party’s response last year to the president’s annual address to a joint session of Congress, but kept a lower profile this year as a “team player” under U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan.


For the Republicans Obama’s presidency lacked strength.

In a statement, Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairman Reince Priebus said rather than signal a much-needed course correction, Mr Obama took a “lonely victory lap before a country that is ready to turn the page”. “We just need to call them what they are - killers and fanatics who have to be rooted out, hunted down, and destroyed”.

Pledged to keep working on that “so long as I hold this office”.

“If everything were as great as he said it was, two-thirds of the American people would not say the country is on the wrong track”.

Gordon Ferguson, of Roseburg, agreed.

Williams: It was at the very end of the State of the Union that he said this is what I’m sorry I didn’t accomplish, and that was the citizenship piece of it. “It’s like the government is not our friend anymore, they’re our enemy….”

“And because he’s gone to the mat for all of us, on so many issues over the past forty years, I’m putting Joe in charge of Mission Control”.

“I think he is pretty relatable and he is pretty likeable”.

“America has been through big changes before - wars and depression, the influx of immigrants, workers fighting for a fair deal, and movements to expand civil rights”, Obama said.

-On policies regarding ISIS/ISIL: “Priority No. 1 is protecting the American people and going after terrorist networks”.

Illinois US Senator Dick Durbin calls President Obama’s address the kind given by a man tested by conflict, and served as a rebuttal to much of the rhetoric in the GOP race to succeed him. “As a part of both of those visits, the president will spend some time in smaller settings, visiting with members of the community, in addition to addressing larger crowds in both of those communities”.


“With almost 10,000 air strikes, we are taking out their leadership, their oil, their training camps, and their weapons”. “We need to be back where we used to be, where there were opposition parties but we had respect for one another and we listened to one another – and sometimes, we worked together to accomplish good legislation”.

Obama warns against giving into election year cynicism