
Obama slams Republicans over refugee stance

As they have all week in conversations with lawmakers on the Hill, governors and with the media, members of the Obama administration sought to assuage concerns about plans to resettle Syrian refugees. Senator Ted Cruz plans to introduce measures to cut federal funding for refugee resettlement.


The three mayors are among those who previously signed a letter opening their doors to Syrian refugees.

Many high-profile Democratic mayors, including Boston’s Marty Walsh, Houston’s Annise Parker and Baltimore’s Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, now find themselves in states governed by politicians who want to keep refugees from crossing their borders.

Clawson’s bill would immediately bar the use of federal funds to process immigrants from Syria, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, or Yemen, until “a vetting system we can trust” is in place.

Amid the xenophobic response to the attacks, religious organizations are instead calling to separate the actions of terrorists from the desperation of people fleeing terror. “I share Gov. Scott’s concerns wholeheartedly”. The USA will accept 85,000 people in 2016 and 100,000 in 2017, mostly Syrian refugees.

The checkoffs all have expiration dates, which are staggered, and a refugee must have active simultaneous certification in all categories to win acceptance into the United States. It also would require congressional approval for admitting refugees into the country, a process now handled exclusively by the executive branch.

“Americans are rightly concerned about the integrity and availability of accurate information on those seeking admission into the US from areas where the Islamic State is flourishing”, Rooney said.

“Following the terrorist attacks on Paris just four days ago, and after careful consideration, I am now requesting that federal authorities cease any additional settlements of refugees from Syria in Maryland until the US government can provide appropriate assurances that refugees from Syria pose no threat to public safety”.

A recent NBC News/SurveyMonkey online poll found that 56% of Americans disapprove of allowing more migrants fleeing violence in Syria and other nations into the country, while 41% approve, The issue divides sharply across party lines with about 8 in 10 Republicans disapprove of accepting more Syrian refugees and almost two thirds of Democrats support the president’s policy. more independents disapprove (59%) than approve (40%). Ryan could push a bill to remove funding for the refugee program.

Fears have heightened since the attacks in Paris on Friday evening.

If we do not want a whole new generation to grow up hating the United States so badly that they want to hurt us, then we need to stop giving them a reason to hate us.

“We have the independent authority to completely shut down these refugee relocation programs”, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said in an interview with The Associated Press on the first day of the Republicans Governors Association two-day meeting in Las Vegas. America, though, can’t repeat history by letting fear and bigotry override the fact that there is no evidence this nation’s vetting of refugees is substandard nor contributing to the risk of terrorism here. He’s one of 30 governors to make the request.

“I’m not saying let’s not help our less fortunate brothers and sisters”. “But that doesn’t stop us from focusing our program to make sure nobody comes in who might be a terrorist”.


Since January 1, 104 Syrian refugees have resettled in Florida (out of 1,861 nationwide).

Syrian refugee Hussam Alroustom who fled with his wife and two young children looks over a booklet with identification information in his family's apartment in Jersey City N.J. in September. The U.S. has resettled around 1,800 refugees from Syria