
Obama Summons Hope As Democrats Woo Fractured Party

“America is once again at a moment of reckoning”. Clinton asserted that Americans have to decide if they are willing to work together, in an effort to thrive together.


Clinton is continuing a theme at the Democratic National Convention that seeks to counter Donald Trump’s starker vision. Do we want someone in the White House with these kinds of ties to Russian Federation? “But my mom, she was wonderful”, Chelsea added. “I just don’t want you to be shot by someone who shouldn’t have a gun in the first place”, she said.

“We are the ultimate swing state”, said Caesar.

He reminisced about when he accepted his nomination for vice president and spoke of the “incredible journey” he and President Obama have been on.

While she may have put “the biggest crack” in the glass ceiling in USA politics, women remain significantly under-represented in local, state and federal offices. “So let’s get the candidate in there that is more likely to enact the changes you want to see”.

Elizabeth Scarcella said regardless of which party you support, this sends a message that woman can do anything a man can.

“Hillary opened my eyes to a whole new world of public service by private citizens”, he said.

She also underlined the “milestone” in becoming the first female nominee.

On Tuesday night, hours after she was formally nominated by the roll call and by Bernie Sanders’ move for a voice vote, she spoke via video message from NY. Imagine him in the Oval Office facing a real crisis.

I watched as Clinton listened to her daughter Chelsea, who was out on stage, from the holding room.

The Democratic nominee said she was “proud” of the Iranian nuclear deal clinched between world powers and the Islamic Republic a year ago, and urged continued USA support for Israel’s security. Indeed, we saw this at play even on Tuesday night when many all but forgot to acknowledge what Clinton has managed to accomplish by virtue of just winning the nomination.

“I came to realise that her unbelievable work ethic wasn’t for praise or attention – that she was in this for everyone who needs a champion”. Clinton made it clear that her primary mission will be to create more jobs and opportunities for Americans.

The Dallas Morning News and The Wall Street Journal had a big picture of Clinton’s live broadcast.

5 “Do you really think Donald Trump has the temperament to be Commander-in-Chief?”

Furthermore, the speakers have managed to avoid advocating for Hillary on the basis of her gender, which would be a unsafe game to play in this election where Trump continues to defy all odds.


As Clinton continued about Trump, the crowd booed.

US election: Obama tells Democrats to be scared of Trump