
Obama Takes State of the Union Vision On the Road

But Obama’s biggest point was a return to the theme of his 2008 presidential election, and his breakout speech at the 2004 Democratic presidential convention: There is one America, and while Americans disagree on lots of issues, they agree on much more.


Donald Trump was not in the room during President Barack Obama’s final State of the Union speech, but the Republican presidential front-runner held the center of attention nonetheless. His optimism was meant to draw a contrast with what the White House sees as doom-and-gloom scenarios peddled by the GOP.

With a year left in office, he presented that task as more urgent than ever and pleaded with voters to turn away from harsh voices and come together.

Many of the Republican candidates, including Rubio, Cruz and former Florida governor Jeb Bush, have consistently attacked Obama on the campaign trail for refusing to declare the war on terror as one with “radical Islam”. Obama argued that the country can confront the challenges of the future only if people embrace change. “But they do not threaten our national existence”, Obama said, according to prepared remarks.

“We just need to call them what they are – killers and fanatics who have to be rooted out, hunted down, and destroyed”, Obama said. Ted Cruz’s vow to “carpet bomb” the Islamic State group.

“When politicians insult Muslims… that doesn’t make us safer”, he said. “The world respects us not just for our arsenal; it respects us for our diversity and our openness and the way we respect every faith”. It makes it harder to achieve our goals. “Let me tell you something – the United States of America is the most powerful nation on earth”.

Reaction to President Obama’s final State of the Union Address from southern Illinois’ representatives in Congress fell mainly along party lines. “That may work as a TV sound bite, but it doesn’t pass muster on the world stage”. The event gave Republicans further fodder to criticise Obama’s nuclear deal with Tehran.

The Republican frontrunner was not impressed, characteristically describing the speech as “really boring, slow, lethargic – very hard to watch!” Congressional Republicans began filing out even before it was over.

Ryan said in a statement released by his office that after 30 minutes, Obama’s speech “isn’t going so well”.

Obama defended his health care measure Tuesday night, claiming that millions have gained coverage. He’d struggle to deny that many of them simply don’t feel he’s delivered.

“Trump, and in particular his views on immigration, are now dominating our political discourse in a way that no one would have predicted even a year ago”.

In comments which also seemed to take aim at Mr Trump, she said: “During anxious times, it can be tempting to follow teh siren call of the angriest voices”.

House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Michael McCaul said the President has appeased, rather than opposed, U.S. adversaries from the start.

While Tuesday’s speech was light on the lists of proposals typical in such addresses, Obama had some, even confronting a Congress largely hostile to his agenda. He has had trouble winding down the two major wars he inherited, has been unable to close Guantanamo Bay, and was commander in chief when the Islamic State crashed into the massive political upheaval in the Middle East. He has been president during a seemingly endless and always heartbreaking string of mass shootings.

Identified a number of areas where Democrats and Republicans might be able to find common ground: pursuing criminal justice reform, promoting trade, fighting opioid abuse.


Predicted those who dispute the science of climate change will end up “pretty lonely”.

Obama SOTU hands