
Obama Tears Up During A Presidential Farewell At The DNC

Next, Biden turned to an attack on Donald Trump.


Democrats said the comments were the latest demonstration that Trump is unqualified to be commander in chief.

Biden was doing what has been his job since President Obama added him to the ticket in 2008: trying to prove to blue-collar white Americans that the Democrats still speak their language. Biden spoke of his relationship with President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama, paid fitting tribute to his son Beau Biden, who passed away last May of brain cancer at age 46, and of course extolled the virtues of Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and the historic nature of her potential presidency.

The crowd erupted in chants of, “Not a clue”.

Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg denounced Trump as a “dangerous demagogue” and said his fellow New York billionaire was little more than a con artist with a well-documented record of bankruptcies.

“This is a complicated and uncertain world we live in”.

“He never tells you how he’s going to do any of the things he says he’s going to do”, Kaine planned to say. But sometimes I say all that I mean. “That’s not law and order, that’s criminal intent”, he said, adding, “Donald, you’re not fit to polish John McCain’s boots”. While people liked Biden’s speech, they loved he charisma and appearance more. “America is already strong”, he declared to cheering delegates Wednesday night at the Democratic convention. He planned to say that she is cool in crisis and “never, ever quits”, according to excerpts released earlier in the day.

“I never want you to ask that question about your child”, Christine Leinonen said. The vice president tells the Democratic National Convention that Trump – the GOP presidential nominee – offers policies that are more in line with the United States’ adversaries.

The third night of the DNC will also mark the biggest challenge yet for Tim Kaine, Clinton’s vice presidential pick, who will introduce himself to an audience unfamiliar with his years as a governor and senator in Virginia. Where Trump’s words seared, Obama’s soared.

I’m from NY.

Obama then placed his presidential legacy in Clinton’s hands, saying no man or woman had ever been as prepared to be president. He expressed support for a $10 minimum wage but said it should be up to state governments to decide because of variations in the cost of living.

Biden, a loyal Democratic soldier and a popular figure within the party, said Clinton “has always been there for you”.


Despite all the infighting between Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, Donald Trump and the entire Republican party, the central battle of this election cycle is ultimately a battle between sensibilities. “No; we endure, we overcome, and we always, always move forward”, he said.

Obama: America is already great