
Obama: ‘The Republican Nominee Is Unfit To Serve As President’

The Democratic president noted that leading Republicans, including Speaker of the House of Representatives Paul Ryan, Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell, and one-time Republican presidential nominee John McCain, a United States senator from Arizona, had criticized Trump for his remarks but have stood by their endorsements of him.


In a stunning statement during a joint press conference with Singapore’s prime minister, Hsien Loong, President Obama called Donald Trump “unfit” to serve as president.

“There has to be a point where you say this is not somebody I can support for president of the United States, even if he purports to be a member of my party”, Obama said. President Obama says “I never thought McCain or Romney couldn’t do the job” if he was beat but he’s anxious about Donald trump in every aspect.

However, none of the Republican lawmakers pulled back their support of Trump’s White House campaign.

Singapore is one of the 12 countries, along with the US, that negotiated TPP. Making Obama’s pitch to congressional leaders even harder, after Election Day the nation will have just elected a new president opposed to the deal, assuming Clinton or Trump win.

As such he was highly critical of the Republican leadership who are supporting the billionaire from NY. “And as I said in my speech last week, I don’t think that actually represents the views of a whole lot of Republicans out there”.

Obama remarked that Republican denunciations of Trump “ring hollow” as they continue to endorse Trump.

After Khizir Khan, who lost his son in a suicide bombing in Iraq, declared at last week’s Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia that Trump had “sacrificed nothing”, the Republican nominee claimed he’d been “viciously attacked” and questioned why Khan’s wife, Ghazala, did not also speak.

“Like all Americans I’m grateful for the sacrifices that selfless young men like Capt. Khan and their families have made in the war on terror”, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said in a statement.

President Barack Obama dismissed Hillary Clinton’s opposition to the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement Tuesday and suggested that her disapproval of the deal may be politically motivated. The White House is hosting a state dinner Tuesday evening to celebrate the relationship between the USA and Singapore.

While Obama has always been critical of Trump, his blistering condemnation Tuesday was a notable escalation of his involvement in the presidential race. “He’s a war hero, ’cause he was captured”, Trump said of McCain.

A poll by the Public Policy Institute of California had Trump trailing by 9 to 10 points, but the agency’s CEO said it’s a little early to take any stock in those numbers, especially in California.

Those who have worked with Mr Trump say that in private meetings, he can often appear amenable to putting a controversy aside. “But there have been Republican Presidents with whom I disagreed with, but I didn’t have a doubt that they could function as President”, Obama said.


On his arrival at the White House, Lee also acknowledged that some Americans are anxious and frustrated with economic uncertainty and the uneven result of globalization and trade, but said the strengthened by its engagement in Asia. “Months ago I publicly said I could never support Trump”, he wrote.

Republican U.S. Presidential nominee Donald Trump attends a campaign event at Briar Woods High School in Ashburn Virginia