
Obama to DNC: ‘We’re Not Done Perfecting Our Union’

Democrats should be “running scared” at the challenge posed by Donald Trump, President Obama has said. “Then one night in the law library…” “It strikes me as a classic example of the coverup being worse than the offense”, Sondermann said. “She was easy to underestimate with her soft manner, and she reminded me all over again of the truth of that old saying you should never judge a book by its covers”.


“I suspect we are witnessing an event that will fundamentally change American politics”, said Cory James, 22, a college student from Flint, Michigan, who expects the Democratic Party to break apart over Clinton’s victory.

Those of you with real live political work experience know that one worker is worth ten talkers.

The Chicago Tribune delivered the most obvious howler, positioning a thankful-looking Bill Clinton beneath the headline “Clinton claims nomination”.

“I think if you listen to any press conference he’s given, or listen to any of those debates, basic knowledge – about the world or what a nuclear triad is or where various countries are or, you know, the difference between Sunni and Shia in the Muslim world – those are things that he doesn’t know and hasn’t seemed to spend a lot of time trying to find out about”. “Join me to reject cynicism, reject fear, to summon what’s best in us, to elect Hillary Clinton”, the president said at the end of his speech before the Democratic presidential nominee joined him on stage.

“Even the story told by her husband last night, he left out the most interesting chapter”.

The harder the Clintons have worked to preserve their marriage, the less easily that marriage has fit into easy stories about what true love should look like.

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Not only did she listen to our problems, she invited us to become part of the solution. “And he told me in the fall of 1972 that he was moving in with her at Yale. Hillary knew that”, Kyle said. That’s what happens when we try….

In his speech, Clinton also described how the birth of Chelsea in 1980 transformed their lives for the better.

“They are obsessed with this forced unity stuff, and it’s totally counterproductive”, said Cenk Uygur, the host of the online news network the Young Turks.

Kyle said Americans shouldn’t believe that, either. She contends Chelsea exists because of political calculations.

Hillary Clinton has made history as the first woman nominee for president of a major USA political party after a hard-fought primary campaign and a bumpy beginning to the Democratic National Convention. But someone who wants to be president should explore and understand how language is used, and how it will be used against them.

Despite her many frustrations with the Clintons, Kyle insists there’s nothing bitter about her criticism of them. Yet, when push came to shove Sanders didn’t even have the courage to stand up for himself, knowing he was blackballed by his own party. “Knowing her was one of the greatest gifts Hillary ever gave me”. Kyle begs to differ.

“Talk about fighting for women and children”, she said. And I thought, well heck, since my cover’s been blown, I just went ahead and asked her to take a walk down to the art museum. “The man deserved a constitutional defense, but he did not deserve someone lying about the victim”.

Some polls have since indicated he is leading Democrat candidate Hillary Clinton in the presidential race. (Picture: Reddit/DaVinci_)You met me at a very odd time in my life(Picture: Reddit/haventReddthat)Careful you two(Picture: Reddit/dwells7583)Even Bernie got in on the action(Picture: Reddit/plasticmind)Erm, what am I looking at?


And now all of the sudden he stands there and tells us she’s wonderful and we should all vote for her. This is total nonsense.

No one more qualified than Hillary Clinton to be President: Obama