
Obama to have private chat with Bernie Sanders on Wednesday

“We may raise taxes, but we are also going to eliminate private health insurance premiums for individuals and for businesses”, he said, according to Mother Jones.


While in Minnesota, Sanders is expected to discuss a wide range of issues, KSTP reports, as he tries to woo supporters ahead of Super Tuesday.

Sanders, an independent from Vermont, who caucuses with Democrats on Capitol Hill, has energized young voters in particular with his call for a “political revolution”.

Sanders has said previously that he could win Iowa but his comments suggested an attempt to lower expectations in the final week before the caucuses.

Obama said Sanders had the “luxury of being a complete long shot” and the “bright, shiny object that people haven’t seen before”.

Responding to a question on a female president succeeding the first African-American president, Obama said he does not think that Democrats would vote for her just because she is a woman. Bernie Sanders is generating in the early voting states of Iowa and New Hampshire.

Justin Bamberg, a state representative and lawyer for the family of Walter L. Scott, fatally shot by a police officer in SC, announced Monday that he is withdrawing his support from Clinton and endorsing Sanders.

But Clinton came in on an uptick, earning praise from President Barack Obama and picking up an endorsement from Iowa’s largest newspaper, the Des Moines Register, which wrote over the weekend that “no other candidate can match the depth or breadth of her knowledge and experience”. “If you can afford to pay, you should pay”, Clinton said Monday.

“The stakes in the election are really high”, she said.

Obama relied on those people too (plus healthy support from minority voters that Sanders has not matched, even as some of his minority support numbers have risen of late). Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) were forced to watch each other’s campaign videos last night, with Clinton profusely declaring that the Simon & Garfunkel spot that’s light years away from the tone of her ads was “fabulous”. I knew her before you knew her, before she was Elizabeth Warren. With Sanders growing stronger, she’s taken to outlining his proposals during her remarks, only to explain to voters why they’re unfeasible.

Bamberg said Monday that he initially did not give Sanders a “fair shake” but now believes he is the best candidate for president.

Obama rejected the assertion that the 2016 Democratic primary contest is a rerun of 2008, where he as insurgent candidate defeated Clinton, who began as the front-runner.


Sanders said that was not enough.

Fox News Poll: Sanders narrows gap in Iowa