
Obama to host French President Hollande at White House

The terror group is blamed for the November 13 attacks in Paris that killed 130 people and wounded hundreds more at restaurants, a concert venue and outside a soccer stadium.


Obama and Hollande are expected to address the media at 11:30 a.m. on Tuesday.

Scores of heads of state and government, including Obama, will attend the summit that begins next week.

“France will not intervene militarily on the ground”, Hollande said.

Hollande says “our task, also, is to continue to live”.

“Obama and Hollande will consult and coordinate our efforts to assist France’s investigation into these attacks, discuss further cooperation as part of the 65-member counter-ISIL coalition, and reiterate our shared determination to confront the scourge of terrorism”, the White House said ahead of the meeting.

“What happened in Paris was truly horrific”, he said before pivoting to concerns about terrorism occurring in the USA “I understand that people worry that something similar could happen here”. Russian Federation and Iran are a coalition of two, supporting Assad.

President Obama on Tuesday said he would press Europe to finalize an agreement that would help airlines share information about how terrorists are traveling, in a bid to shut down the ability of the Islamic State to export terrorist acts around the world.

Obama and Hollande did not comment on the downing of the Russian plane as they appeared briefly before reporters Tuesday morning. “Every country has a right to protect its territory and its airspace”, he said, suggesting that Russian Federation was responsible for it. “Russia and Turkey must talk to each other”.

“This points to an ongoing problem with the Russian operations in the sense that they are operating very close to a Turkish border and they are going after moderate opposition that are supported by not only Turkey but a wide range of countries”, Obama said.

The president spoke during a joint news conference with French President Francois Hollande.

In this survey, the results show a sharp partisan divide, with 61% of Democrats giving Obama positive marks for his response to the Paris attacks, while 74% of Republicans and 45% of voters not affiliated with either major party think his reaction has been a poor one.

“The United States is certainly pulling more than our own weight”, White House spokesman Josh Earnest said.

Americans are reporting an increase of concern for their safety following several global terrorist attacks.

Last week, Hollande called for the USA and Russian Federation to set aside their policy divisions over Syria and “fight this terrorist army in a broad, single coalition”.

Zakheim of The National Interest says the U.S. could demonstrate a determination to defeat IS sooner rather than later by accelerating its airstrikes.


Monday’s poll also discovered Americans are almost split over whether the USA should open its borders for Syrian refugees.

Told he must go, Syria's Assad may outlast Obama in office