
Obama to pay respects at court, won’t attend Scalia funeral

Agree with Scalia or not, support the Senate’s position on replacing him or not, the death of a Supreme Court Justice is a big deal – especially a sitting Supreme Court justice.


His baritone voice silenced and his mighty pen relinquished, Scalia will lie in repose all day and into the night so fellow justices, law clerks, Supreme Court employees and Americans who revered or simply respected him can pay homage.

The casket will be placed on the Lincoln Catafalque, which has been loaned to the court by Congress for the occasion.

The ceremonies began in below-freezing weather Friday morning when eight Supreme Court police officers carried Scalia’s flag-draped casket up the steps and into the Great Hall.

Other factors fueling speculation were that Scalia’s family said they didn’t want an autopsy for the 79-year-old, and a Texas justice of the peace declared Scalia dead over the phone, which is allowed by state law, after a U.S. Marshall told her there was no evidence of foul play.

After a private ceremony, Scalia’s body will lie in repose from 10:30 8 p.m. ET for public viewing. The justice’s son will also deliver Mass for his father.

I’m trying to be as polite as possible when I say “this is a jerk move”. Jill Biden will attend as representatives from the White House. His empty chair leaves the Supreme Court evenly divided between four conservative justices and four liberal justices, which could have ramifications for many cases pending before the high court-including a handful with direct connections to agriculture. His group, 40 Days for Life, has been outside of the Supreme Court every day since Ash Wednesday.


As Scalia is remembered Friday, talk is likely to also focus across the street, to the Capitol, where the question hovers over whether Senate Republicans will successfully block Obama from winning a third appointment to the High Court.

John Poindexter