
Obama to press China on steel at G20, Lew says

A summit of business leaders from G20 members are scheduled to be held on Saturday and Sunday, Jiang Zengwei, chair of the Business 20 (B20) China, said at a press conference on Thursday. The G-20 communique will highlight the need for comprehensive use of monetary, fiscal, structural reform, he said. For China, the summit comes at a time when it is waging a grim battle to minimise the impact of an global tribunal’s ruling which quashed its expansive claims on the South China Sea (SCS), besides tensions in its ties with India, Japan, Britain and the US.


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The agenda of the meeting will also include the implementation of the Paris climate deal and the issues of tax transparency.

“In the real world, there is still a long way to go, particularly for the G20, and they need to reflect that in a more serious way”, Weischer told journalists.

The Global Times, a tabloid run by the ruling Communist party, said large-scale religious meetings had been blocked “to create a safe environment for the meeting”. Details of his meeting with Xi on the sidelines is still being worked out.

The upcoming meeting between Chinese and U.S. leaders will focus on narrowing and managing differences and expanding practical cooperation between the two countries, an official said.

The US-backed Radio Free Asia reported that the city’s unofficial churches had also been told to stop meeting.


Some 30 countries around the world have taken steps to cut subsidies in the last three years, from India, which eliminated diesel subsidies in 2014, to Germany, which aims to remove coal subsidies by 2018, said Helen Mountford, programme director for the New Climate Economy initiative and a WRI economist. “So they may carry forward their talks to the next meeting”, an official said.

China's President Xi Jinping and Britain's Prime Minister Theresa May