
Obama to visit San Bernardino to meet victims of shooting

There has still been no report of White House representatives visiting the funerals for the 14 victims of the San Bernardino terror attacks.


President Obama will head to San Bernardino, Calif. on Friday for a private meeting with the families of a deadly terrorism-inspired shooting spree.

Still, the White House is pushing back on the notion Obama will be a “lame duck” in his previous year in office.

Both incidents have heightened public fears of additional attacks on USA soil.

Obama has vowed to call for new gun-control measures after every mass shooting.

President Barack Obama will use his final State of the Union address in January to deliver a “non-traditional” speech to the American people that focuses on his vision for the country, rather than a long list of legislative priorities, senior administration officials said Thursday.

Evelyn Godoy said she didn’t know what her family was hoping to hear. On the one hand, his visit felt like a nice gesture. Further details of the president’s visit were not disclosed.

That meant that they worked with Syed Farook, the man who, joined by his wife Tashfeen Malik, used assault rifles to kill them. Marquez allegedly purchased two rifles used in the attack and had plotted to carry out attacks with Farook in 2011. Federal Bureau of Investigation director James Comey has said the couple was radicalised some time ago.


Family and friends of Isaac Amanios, a father killed in the San Bernardino mass shooting, gathered Saturday at a memorial service in Colton.

President Barack Obama makes a statement on the San Bernardino terror attack in the Oval Office of the White House on Thursday Dec. 3 2015