
Obama: Trump Is ‘Unfit’ To Be President

President Barack Obama dove into the issue when asked Tuesday about Donald Trump’s multi-day spat with family members of a deceased soldier after they condemned his statements about Muslims.


Garrett, a military veteran facing former Albemarle County Supervisor Jane Dittmar for the seat, said he wished his party standard-bearer and presidential nominee had struck another chord. Obama continued. “This isn’t a situation where you have an episodic gaffe”.

Speaking alongside Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong in the White House East Room, Obama said there are now weekly episodes in which even Republican party leaders distance themselves from Trump.

While he said he does not doubt the sincerity of Republicans, Obama said that at some point, Republicans will have to acknowledge what he views as the weaknesses of their standard bearer. Sen.

Trump’s response? On Twitter, he said, “President Obama will go down as perhaps one of the worst president in the history of the United States!”

“Ultimately, I could not abide the hateful rhetoric of Donald Trump and his complete lack of principles and conservative philosophy”, she said. In June House Speaker Paul Ryan questioned Trump’s insistence that a federal judge’s Mexican heritage made him unfit to hear lawsuits involving the now-defunct Trump University.

Khizr Khan, the father of the fallen hero, used the Democratic National Convention platform to slam Trump’s plan to temporarily ban Muslim immigration into the USA until more thorough vetting procedures are in place.

A growing number of Republicans have disavowed Mr Trump’s comments, but most of those who have endorsed him are sticking by that stance. “The fact that that has not yet happened makes some of these denunciations ring hollow”.

“Had they won I would have been disappointed, but I would have said to all Americans, this is our president”, Obama said, noting he was confident they would abide by certain rules and observe “basic decency”.

He said that while Trump “hurt somebody’s feelings”, Clinton is unfit for the office because “she didn’t lift a finger and she said it didn’t matter that four Americans died”.

Trump also said he was not supporting Senator John McCain in his primary in Arizona, and he dismissed Senator Kelly Ayotte as a weak and disloyal leader in New Hampshire.

Obama last week addressed the Democratic convention in Philadelphia and painted this election as a choice not between a Democrat and Republican, but a Democrat and a demagogue who threatens democracy. Hanna also called Trump “unfit” to serve the party in the opinion article he wrote for after announcing his decision to support Clinton. “Trump this is unacceptable and we have to condemn what you said, ‘” Ellison said.


“While Obama has always been critical of Trump, his blistering condemnation Tuesday was a notable escalation of his involvement in the presidential race”, the New York Times added. Trump responded, sending a reverberation through the weekend news cycle.

Obama challenges GOP to drop support for Trump